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Valuing and protecting our environment

Geology for Society is now available in 13 European languages

This page is part of the Geology for Society publication.

Environmental policy and management based on an ‘ecosystems services’ approach depend on taking a truly holistic view of ecosystems and the environment. The importance of geology and the geosphere to environmental protection and ecosystem service provision are all too often overlooked – in fact they shape our landscape, interact with the atmosphere and hydrosphere, and sustain living systems.

Background Holistic Environmental Managament  



policy documentPolicy documents and consultation responses:

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Examples of Holistic Environmental Management

policy documentPolicy documents and consultation responses:

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Geoscientist ArticleGeoscientist Magazine

  • Act Local! - Article, Nov 2016
  • Decent Exposure - As part of the Society's 100 geosites project, Rob Butler looks at some of these islands' great outcrops.

Why is geodiversity important?

Shale Gas: Marcellus Shale

Read about geodiversity and why it's important on the Natural England website.

Geology for Society

Geology for Society cover

Aimed at policy and decision-makers as well as the wider public, 'Geology for Society' outlines the importance of geology to our society.