GeoHorizons: Earth, space, and planetary research for a sustainable future
“We believe that books remain a valuable means of collating and presenting scientific material,” said Kate Lajtha, editor-in-chief of AGU Books. “In a book you have the space and freedom to present a complete narrative about a topic and bring together different perspectives and content types that would otherwise need to be published in multiple journals.”
GeoHorizons is a new book series published jointly by the American Geophysical Union and the Geological Society. The series focus is on solution-based science that addresses the many challenges facing humanity and the environment, especially those related to climate change and sustainable development.
The series is committed to the principles of open science. Volumes will be published Open Access, with hybrid routes to publication available on a case-by-case basis.
Propose a volume: AGU and the Geological Society are now welcoming proposals for the new series.
If you are interested in proposing a volume for this new series, please submit a Word document with the following information:
- Editor names, contact details and affiliations
- A brief description of the aims of the book, including how this meets the scope of the series
- A list of paper/chapter titles and authors
- A list of competing works, in preparation or published
- Estimated timeline for submission of content
- Three suggested proposal reviewers
- Confirmation of Open Access funds and provisional funder information
Discuss or propose an idea
Please download the proposal form for further guidelines. Proposals will be considered by the AGU Books Editorial Board and the Geological Society Books Editorial Committee.
Proposals are welcomed from scientists across demographics, geographic locations, professional backgrounds, and career stages. Visit our Open Access Guidance for Book Editors and Authors webpage for further information.
If you would like to discuss an idea for a book or to submit a proposal, please contact David Boyt (

AGU is a leading scientific publisher with 24 peer-reviewed journals covering the range of Earth and space sciences, from space weather to tectonics and water resources. To date, 12 journals are fully open access, with the other journals slated for transition in the coming years. A book publisher since 1956, AGU also has more than 700 titles to its credit for the purposes of research, learning, teaching and professional development. GeoHorizons is AGU’s first book publishing partnership intended primarily for Open Access.

Founded in 1807, the Geological Society is the oldest geological society in the world and a world-leading communicator of Earth science through scholarly publishing, library and information services, cutting-edge scientific conferences, education activities and outreach to the general public. The Society is one of the largest Earth science book publishers globally. Research from a global authorship is published across eight journals and several well-known book series and is hosted via the Lyell Collection.
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