The Society offers many ways in which Fellows can get involved with what we do. Find out how you can take part.
Policy responses
As the national forum for the debate and development of cutting edge Earth science, the Geological Society has a special responsibility to communicate this science and its importance to society, to government, the media, other scientific communities and the general public.
We do this through responding to inquiries and consultations from government, parliament and third sector bodies as well as producing policy statements and briefings on important themes such as shale gas, climate change and rare Earth minerals.
None of this is possible without the engagement of our Fellows and the wider Earth science community – to get involved, contact [email protected].
See previous responses made in our policy responses section.
Join a committee
Fellows of the Society are welcome to volunteer to join one of the Society's reporting committees. Find out more about the committees and read recent minutes on the committee pages.
To express and interest in joining a committee, please contact Christina Marron.
Earth Science Week
Earth Science Week is held annually in October with a set theme. The outreach team are always looking for enthusiastic volunteers to run events and activities during the week.
You can download an information pack and find out more on the Earth Science Week pages or contact [email protected].
Sponsor a book or a fish
The Sponsor a Book scheme has been running since 2008 raising over £8,000 and has helped the restoration, repair and conservation of 27 volumes from the collection.
The Sponsor a Fish scheme was launched in August 2011 to conserve and digitise the fossil fish portfolio of Louis Agassiz (1807-1873).
Each scheme is ongoing and more information is available on the webpages and directly from the Library.
Write a blog article
The Geological Society blog covers stories on a vast range of topics, from new research and findings to geological baking!
We are always looking for volunteers to write content for the blog – if you are interesting in writing a post about anything geological, please contact Alicia Newton via [email protected].
Become a Chartership Mentor
Mentors play a vital role in supporting Fellows whilst they are preparing for Chartership.
The Geological Society's mentoring scheme offers guidance on the mentoring relationship. A mentor is a person who assists another to grow, acquire new skills and insights, and develop his or her potential.
Find out more about becoming a mentor in the Chartership section.
Participate in a Specialist or Regional Group
Take an active role in your region or in your geological specialism by joining one of the Society’s Regional and Specialist Groups. With over 30 groups in total, there's something for everyone.
Find contacts for each Specialist or Regional Group in the Groups section.
Write a book review
Geoscientist magazine features reviews of current and upcoming publications, all of which are written by Fellows. If you would like to review a title, you can find the list of current available publications in our book review section.
For more information, contact [email protected].
Join the Geological Society STEM School Ambassadors Scheme
We think it is essential for younger generations to gain a broad understanding of geoscience, as it underpins so many of society’s most challenging issues.
Ambassadors give geoscience talks, careers information and other support in schools. Becoming an ambassador could benefit your professional development; free training and resources are provided.
If you are interested in signing up to become a Geological Society STEM Ambassador or just wish to find out more about the scheme visit our webpages or email [email protected].