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swirling sandstone

Strategy and Mission

Strategy, mission, vision and values

our mission


To support Earth scientists, grow interest in the natural world, and connect science, the profession and society.

our vision

To be an inclusive and thriving Earth science community advancing knowledge, addressing global challenges, and inspiring future generations.

our purpose

Advancing and sharing knowledge of planet Earth and beyond for the benefit of humanity.

our values


We strive to:

- Be collaborative

- Lead and embrace change

- Be equitable, inclusive and diverse

- Pursue excellence in all we do

- Deliver the highest standards of service

In 2020 the Society undertook a major strategic review. Our four high level strategic objectives are:

Advance multidisciplinary Earth science to inform global issues

  • Provide a high profile and varied science program across five
    strategic scientific themes
  • Be active in policy development, build close connections to 
    policy makers and act as a gateway to Earth science expertise

Be the inclusive and collaborative home for UK Earth scientists and
increase our international orientation

  •  Provide a clear commitment and path to better diversity, equality and
     inclusion across the organisation
  •  Deploy an equitable, accessible membership model which targets
     under-represented demographics
  •  Commit to collaborating with peer organisations in UK and
     internationally, and develop a strategy for partner engagement

Support professional development, careers and education in Earth science

  • Support the professional development of Earth scientists including
    professional training and support for pathways towards Chartership
  • Invest in our relationships with academic institutions
  • Foster future generations of Earth scientists by communicating the
    importance and societal relevance of Earth science

Become a dynamic and responsive organisation with a strong digital identity

  • Use technology, combined with a dynamic and responsive operating
    approach, to improve processes
  • Efficiently adopt digital solutions to improve our members’ experience and to
    support UK-wide participation in Society activities and business
  • Improve the consistency and focus of our branding and adopt a cleaner
    design for our website