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RSSThe Geological Society has a number of RSS feeds available. You can choose which feeds you subscribe to depending on the news and features you want to stay up to date with.

Subscribe to the Geological Society blog RSS feed.

You can also access RSS feeds directly from pages on our website - the orange RSS icon will appear at the top right of the page when a feed is available.

What is RSS?

News feeds (also known as RSS, or ‘Really Simple Syndication’) are an increasingly popular way for users to keep track of when a website adds new content. You can get the latest news and features in one place, as soon as it’s published, without having to visit the website you have taken the feed from. To start using feeds you will need a news reader, which can be accessed using an internet browser or a downloadable application.

How do I get a news reader?

There are a range of different news readers available to download from the internet. Different news readers work on different operating systems, so you will need to choose one that will work with your computer. A list of popular news readers is provided below.

RSS Feed readers 


Once you have chosen a news reader, you need to decide what content you want to receive. 

For example, if you want to get the latest events, visit the Events page and click on the orange RSS button in the top right hand corner of the page. This will take you to the feed reader where you can subscribe to receive updates on events.