Open consultations
Details of any consultations or inquiries currently open for comments will be listed here. If you would like to be the first to know when consultations open for comment, consider adding your details to our database of expertise.
Call for evidence: Inquiry into equity in the STEM workforce

The All-Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) on Diversity and Inclusion in STEM have launched a new inquiry into Equity in the UK STEM workforce. The APPG aims to examine how the Government and organisations employing STEM workers are helping to create a diverse and inclusive environment. This new inquiry on Equity in the STEM workforce is looking to continue to raise the challenges of diversity and inclusion throughout the STEM community and the Geological Society intends to make a submission. We value the opinions of the Earth science community and are calling on you to help us!
Find out more and submit evidence.
Submission deadline 21 January 2021
Past consultations
Follow the links below to find out more about the consultations and inquiries we have responded to on behalf of the geoscience sector.
Environment Agency River Basin Planning and Management: Challenges and Choices Consultation

We sought input on behalf of the EA about how to manage England’s river basins from 2021 onwards. At the current rate of progress it will take over 200 years to reach the government’s 25 Year Environment Plan target of at least 75% of waters to be close to their natural state. The EA urgently want to find better, faster ways to invest in our water environment.
The Geological Survey of Northern Ireland: Science Strategy

The Geological Survey of Northern Ireland (GSNI) provides geoscience information and services to inform decision making. GSNI is developing a new geoscience strategy to address future challenges for Northern Ireland such as climate change, environment protection, geohazards, and supplies of net zero energy, raw materials and water. This consultation helped inform their strategy for the future.
Department of Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy - Industrial Strategy Green Paper
The Department of Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy have launched the Industrial Strategy Green Paper, a significant policy document outlining a long-term plan to boost the productivity of the UK. The scope of the document covers research policy, sector deals, regional growth and infrastructure, among other areas.
Read the Society's written response to the Green Paper in full.
Department of Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy - Carbon Capture Usage and Storage
This inquiry examines the Government’s commitment to deploying CCUS technology and whether it has a “Plan B” to meet the UK’s climate change targets should desired cost reductions not materialise.
Carbon capture, usage and storage (CCUS) is a set of technologies which can together capture carbon dioxide from waste gases, and either ‘lock up’ this carbon dioxide in long-term storage or use it in industrial processes.
Read the Society's written response to the CCUS inquiry in full.