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British Sedimentological Research Group

British Sedimentary Research Group


The British Sedimentological Research Group (BSRG) is an informal group whose interests include theoretical, experimental, laboratory and field-based study of modern and ancient sediments in all their physical, chemical and biological aspects. The study of sedimentology is an integral component of understanding the Earth and how it functions.

The current membership includes academics, graduate and postgraduate students, geologists employed with petroleum and service companies, with a large proportion of the membership based overseas as well as from the UK.

BSRG aims to advance, encourage and support the study of all aspects of sedimentology and to provide a community and service to all those involved in teaching and research. It holds a number of thematic meetings each year, plus field workshops and additional workshops appended to the AGM, to promote the exchange of information and ideas.

Thematic meetings focus on current topics and multidisciplinary studies in sedimentology. The BSRG is keen to see the widest possible scope of sedimentology represented in the meetings, and is enthusiastic to promote joint meetings with other specialist groups of the Society.

The BSRG is an affiliated specialist group, and regards anybody who attends its meetings and/or joins its electronic mailing list as members. It encourages its members to also join the Geological Society. BSRG is widely regarded as the principal organisation of sedimentologists within the UK, and the committee liaises regularly with the International Association of Sedimentology and the SEPM (Society for Sedimentary Geology).

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Rodri Jerrett


Daniel Collins


Madeline Vickers