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New GSL publications

Image - cover of The Emergence of Geophysics: A Journey into the Twentieth Century
Memoir 60
The Emergence of Geophysics: A Journey into the Twentieth Century
Book cover Special Publication 557 Structure and Evolution of Laurussian Orogens in Europe and North America from Geophysical Investigations
Special Publication 540
Meandering Streamflows: Patterns and Processes across Landscapes and Scales
Front cover of Geology of Scotland 5th edition
The Geology of Scotland, 5th edition
Hardback and Paperback
Book Cover: The Impacts of Igneous Systems on Sedimentary Basins and their Energy Resources 
Special Publication 547
The Impacts of Igneous Systems on Sedimentary Basins and their Energy Resources
Unconformities & Porosity in Carbonate Strata CD
Special Publication 546
Characterization, Prediction and Modelling of the Crustal Present-Day In-Situ Stresses
Unconformities & Porosity in Carbonate Strata CD
Special Publication 543
Geology's Significant Sites and their Contributions to Geoheritage

All new and recent publications            

General Interest

Hutton's Arse: 3 billion years of extraordinary geology in Scotland's Northern Highlands (2nd edition)
Hutton's Arse: 3 billion years of extraordinary geology in Scotland's Northern Highlands (2nd edition)
This is modern science wrapped up in good writing and humour: a rare combination.
Drawing Geological Structures
Drawing Geological Structures
... provides a thorough, step-by-step practical guide to the art of geological drawing.
Book cover for The Woodpecker Mystery
The Woodpecker Mystery: The inevitability of the improbable
Extraordinarily similar woodpeckers in South America and Africa? And not only woodpeckers: other bird families across a wide range, as well as quintessentially African trees native across South America, from Ecuador to Paraguay. How could this be?
Measures for Measure: Geology and the Industrial Revolution
Measures for Measure: Geology and the Industrial Revolution
... will appeal to all with an interest in the industrial history of Great Britain and its impact on the landscape, economy, social history and culture of the island.
River Planet front cover
River Planet: Rivers from Deep Time to the Modern Crisis
Introduces readers to the epic geological history of the world’s rivers, from the first drop of rain on the Earth to the modern environmental crisis.
Breakthroughs in Geology: Ideas that transformed earth science
Breakthroughs in Geology: Ideas that transformed earth science
Of instant appeal to geologists and other earth scientists interested in how their science evolved over time by means of a number of revolutionary ideas ...
Waking the Giant

Waking the Giant
How a changing climate triggers earthquakes, tsunamis, and volcanoes

Sedimentary Structures 4th edition
Sedimentary Structures, 4th edition
Enhanced with colour photographs and illustrations, a thoroughly revised fourth edition.
The Enlightened Mr Parkinson hardback
The Enlightened Mr. Parkinson: The Pioneering Life of a Forgotten English Surgeon 
The first scientific study of fossils in English, which led to fossil-hunting becoming the nation’s latest craze. Special offer price (while stocks last)
The Making of Europe: A geological journey
The Making of Europe: A geological history
Copiously illustrated in colour, this book will educate and inform all those who are interested in European geology.

Mountains: The origins of the Earth’s mountain systems
This title is aimed at those with an interest in mountains and in developing an understanding of the geological processes that create them.
GeoBritannica: Geological landscapes and the British peoples
This is a book for those wanting to develop a better understanding of Britain and to develop their love and understanding of the island which we inhabit.
Abyss of Time
The Abyss of Time: A study in geological time and Earth history
... written for environmentalists and policy-makers who wish to better place their concerns and decisions in proper context but, above all, it is a book that offers to share a geologist’s appreciation of time with the widest possible audience.
Cover image: The Lewisian: Britain’s oldest rocks
The Lewisian: Britain’s oldest rocks
Much of the extensive literature on the Lewisian is highly specialised and not easily accessible to the general reader; this book is an attempt to distil the most important results of this research into a more user-friendly form.

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Volcanology, Mineralogy and Hydrogeology       

Volcano and Earthquake DK Eyewitness
Volcano and Earthquake (DK Eyewitness)
Eyewitness Volcano and Earthquake is packed with scary and fascinating facts and stunning photography and illustrations, includes a fact-filled wall chart. 
Introducing Volcanology 2nd edition front cover
Introducing Volcanology: A Guide to Hot Rocks (2nd edition)
A concise and accessible introduction to the science of hot rocks for those with an adult curiosity and for those contemplating a course of formal study. 
Italian Volcanoes
Italian Volcanoes
This guide is ideal for all geologists and visitors to Italy who have been captivated by some of the world's most spectacular volcanoes.
Nature Guide Rocks and Minerals
Nature Guide Rocks and Minerals (DK)
Including a detailed introduction on identifying and classifying minerals and clear sections on each type of rock and mineral, this is an ideal identification guide. 
Volcanoes of Europe, 2nd ed paperback
Volcanoes of Europe, Second edition (paperback)
Revised and updated edition, presents the volcanoes of Europe, as they are today and how they have shaped our past.

Rock and mineral DK Eyewitness
Rock and Mineral (DK Eyewitness)
Eyewitness Rock and Mineral is a comprehensive and visually stunning introduction into the subject.  
Introducing Mineralogy
Introducing Mineralogy
This book is aimed at students embarking on courses in the Earth Sciences and at the amateur collector who wants to find out more.
Introducing Hydrogeology front cover
Introducing Hydrogeology
... will appeal to the non-scientist interested in learning more about this important topic.
Field Hydrogeology 4th ed
Field Hydrogeology, 4th Edition 
Fully revised edition in order to present the most up-to-date and comprehensive guide to completing a hydrogeological study. 

Vesuvius - a biography
Vesuvius - a biography
This is a complete history of the relationship between one of the most dangerous volcanoes in the world and the many people who live perilously close to it.
Volcanoes and the Making of Scotland 2nd ed
Volcanoes and the Making of Scotland, 2nd edition ... extensively illustrated with maps, sketches, cross-sections and photographs and relates what can currently be seen in the worn-down remains of Scotland's old volcanoes to active analogues around the world. 
Unconformities & Porosity in Carbonate Strata CD
From Amber to Rubellite, discover over 130 varieties of cut and uncut stones, organic gemstones and precious metals.

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Fossils and Dinosaurs

Cover image: The Evolution of Paleontological Art
The Evolution of Paleontological Art
The 29 papers and accompanying artwork illustrate how art about fossils has come to be a significant teaching tool.
Fossils (Discover Dorset series)
Few places in the British Isles are as rich in fossils as Dorset, and the county is internationally famous as the source of some of the finest and rarest fossils in the world.
Fossil Woman A Life of Mary Anning (paperback front cover)
The Fossil Woman: A Life of Mary Anning
A fully illustrated biography of Mary Anning, drawing on recent research into her life and times, and achievements of a woman who is finally gaining the recognition she merits.
Introducing Palaeontology 2nd edition front cover
Introducing Palaeontology: A guide to ancient life
Revised, updated and expanded 2nd edition. Provides readers with a concise and accessible introduction to the science of palaeontology.
Hands on Palaeontology front cover
Hands-On Palaeontology: A practical manual
Organised in 52 chapters; each chapter focusses on one aspect of palaeontology as viewed with a geologist’s trained eye. 
Beyond Extinction
Beyond Extinction, The Eternal Ocean: Climate change & the continuity of life
Beautifully illustrated, this book celebrates the continuity of ocean life.
[Reduced price while stocks last] 
Nautilus front cover
Nautilus, Beautiful Survivor: 500 million years of evolutionary history 
This book celebrates the long history of Nautilus, its role in human culture and the realities of it's life today. 
[Reduced price while stocks last]
Trilobites of the World

Trilobites of the World: An atlas of 1000 photographs
Featuring almost 700 species... illustrated by 1000 colour photographs.
Trilobites of the British Isles
Trilobites of the British Isles
The first illustrated modern overview of the trilobite faunas of Great Britain and the Irish Republic. 

Trilobites, Dinosaurs and Mammoths cover imageTrilobites, Dinosaurs and Mammoths sample pages

Trilobites, Dinosaurs and Mammoths: An introduction to the prehistory of the British Isles
With colourful illustrations, a whistle-stop tour through millions of years of Earth history.

Dinosaurs of the British Isles

Dinosaurs of the British Isles
This book is truly unique, providing the first comprehensive account on the dinosaurs of the entire British Isles.

Fossil DK Eyewitness

Fossil (DK Eyewitness) 
Explore the history of life on Earth through every type of fossil. 

Fossils DK Handbook

Fossils (DK Handbook) 
Perfect for fossil lovers - a comprehensive guide for collectors. 

Fossils of the Whitby Coast

Fossils of the Whitby Coast: A Photographic Guide
Take a step back in time and see what animals once thrived in Whitby during the Jurassic Period.

Fossils of the Jurassic Coast cover

Fossils of the Jurassic Coast
A must for anyone interested in the Jurassic Coast, in fossils or in the development of life on earth.

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Regional Geology and Guide Books

Cover image The Geology of South Mayo, Western Ireland
The Geology of South Mayo, Western Ireland
This book is the first comprehensive account of the geology of South Mayo, Western Ireland, for over 100 years and is accompanied by a large-scale (1:63,360) colour printed geological map of the area.
Field Guide to the Geology of Northeastern Oman Field Guide to the Geology of Northeastern Oman
This field guide is aimed at geologists and travelers exploring the beauty and significance of Oman geology. 
Scotland's Mountain Landscapes: a geomorphological perspective Scotland's Mountain Landscapes: a geomorphological perspective
Written in clear non-technical language and abundantly illustrated, an essential guide to landforms in the mountains of Scotland.
World of Geology
World of Geology: Travels to Rocky Places
A grand tour across the surface of our planet, taking in as many as possible of our most spectacular and most fascinating sites. The whole book is perhaps best viewed as a glorious journey of discovery.
Geology (Discover Dorset series)
Geology (Discover Dorset series)
Dorset’s geology is amongst the most remarkable in the British Isles. This is an up-to-date illustrated account of the 200 million years that comprise its known geological past.
Geology of Oxfordshire
Geology of Oxfordshire
Oxfordshire’s geology is as fascinating as any in the British Isles, this book is an up to date illustrated account of its known geological past.
Iceland, 3rd edition front cover
Iceland, 3rd edition
This book will interest all who are seeking a deeper understanding of what makes Iceland so unique.

Iceland (GA Guide)
Based on a series of visits to Iceland organised by Birkbeck College (University of London).

Cover - The Geology of the Dalradian and Associated Rocks of Connemara, Western Ireland
The Geology of the Dalradian and Associated Rocks of Connemara, Western Ireland
Published by the Royal Irish Academy, contains a report to accompany the 1:63,360 geological map and cross-sections of Connemara.

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The 'Geology of' series

Geology of Japan paperback
Scotland 5th ed. (2024) New!

England & Wales  
Central Europe

Geology of Central Europe paperback set 
View all the titles in this series

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Geologists' Association titles

The Geologists’ Association publishes a series of detailed, accessible and attractive field guides to both British and international sites of geological interest. The guides offer an excellent introduction to the geology of a particular area and are the perfect complement for a day trip or longer holiday. View all GA Guides

 Image: cover for Geology of the Bristol Region (2024)
Front cover: Geology of the D-Day Landings in Normandy 1944, 2nd edition
 Yorkshire Coast 4th edition
Tenerife, Canary Islands
Geology of the Bristol Region
Geology of the D-Day Landings 1944 Yorkshire Coast 
Geology of the Dorset Coast
GA Guide 77, volumes 1 and 2 front covers
 Front cover: A Geological Field Guide to the Himalaya in India, Nepal, Bhutan and Tibet
Front cover: The Geology of London, 2nd edition
Dorset Coast
Cumbria, Volumes 1 & 2

The Himalaya in India, Nepal, Bhutan and Tibet
The Geology of London, 2nd edition

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Women in Geology

Fossil Woman A Life of Mary Anning (paperback front cover)
The Fossil Woman: A Life of Mary Anning
Described as ‘the greatest fossilist the world ever knew’, a fully illustrated biography of Mary Anning. A fresh and often surprising look at the achievements of a woman who is finally gaining the recognition she merits. 
Front cover of Celebrating 100 Years of Female Fellowship of the Geological Society: Discovering Forgotten Histories
Celebrating 100 Years of Female Fellowship of the Geological Society: Discovering Forgotten Histories
... presents the often untold stories of pioneering women geoscientists from across the world who navigated male-dominated academia and learned societies. Available in print or ebook.

The Role of Women in the History of Geology
This book is a first as it unravels the diverse roles women have played in the history and development of geology as a science. (Second printing)
Women and Geology: Who are we, where are we going?

Women and Geology: Who are we, where have we come from, and where are we going? 
This volume highlights the progress of women in geology, including past struggles and how remarkable individuals were able to overcome them. 
Anomalies revised 2018 edition
Anomalies - Pioneering Women in Petroleum Geology: 1917-2017
A celebration of individual courage, tenacity, and professionalism as well as a timely reminder of our past, when male-dominated professions excluded women.
[Reduced while stocks last]
Rocks Radio and Radar
Rocks Radio and Radar: The Extraordinary Scientific, Social and Military Life of Elizabeth Alexander
This unique story is a must-read for readers interested in scientific, social and military history during the WWII, historians of geology, radar, as well as scientific biographies. 
[Reduced price while stocks last]

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William Smith Map Prints and related titles

William Smith's Fossils Reunited
William Smith's Fossils Reunited
Foreword by Sir David Attenborough. William Smith’s Fossils Reunited is intended both for the William Smith enthusiast and also for those with a more general interest in the work of this remarkable pioneering geologist.
Front cover STRATA: William Smith’s Geological Maps
STRATA: William Smith’s Geological Maps
This sumptuous and comprehensive evaluation showcases William Smith’s 1815 hand-coloured map ... and illustrates the story of his career, from apprentice to fossil collector and from his 1799 geological map of Bath and table of strata to his detailed stratigraphical county maps.
William Smith map & memoir
William Smith 1815 Memoir and Geological Map of England and Wales with part of Scotland
(reproductions, book and folded map set)
Reproduction published by BGS/NERC
William Smith 1815 folded map
William Smith 1815 Geological Map of England and Wales with part of Scotland (folded)

Reproduction published by BGS/NERC

William Smith Cross Sections 1819
William Smith's Cross Sections, 1819 (wallchart)
A poster with 5 famous cross sections reproduced in their original exquisite colours.
Includes parts of Norfolk, Suffolk, Hampshire, Wiltshire, Essex, Hertfordshire, Sussex, Dorset and Somerset.

Geological Map of GB
Geological Map of Great Britain, Bicentennial edition in the style of William Smith (folded)
This map commemorates the 200th anniversary of the publication of the first geological map of Britain, by William Smith (1769-1839).
Published by BGS/NERC

The map that changed the World The Map That Changed the World
Simon Winchester tells the fascinating story of 'Strata' Smith, a man who crossed boundaries of class, wealth and science, to produce a map that fundamentally changed the way we view the world.

Map Exploring the World
Map: Exploring the World
This wonderfully illustrated map book contains maps that represent over 5,000 years of cartographic innovation drawing on a range of cultures and traditions.
*** Limited stocks remaining ***
Geological Map of Huntingdonshire
The William Smith county maps 
Choose from individual prints of counties originally published between 1819 & 1824, and other William Smith related titles.  
You can also order prints in various sizes from the Society Picture Library

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Introducing Earth Sciences

Introducing Geology 3rd edition
Introducing Geology: A Guide to the World of Rocks, 3rd edition
Graham Park’s introductory book has swiftly established itself as a key resource for those looking for a straightforward explanation of what geology tells us about the world.

Dunedin titles. Dunedin is now part of Liverpool University Press.
 Other titles in this series:    

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Geology Society Staff Authors/Editors

Michael McKimm (Burlington House Library)

Cover image Or Land the Sea: a photo-poem
sample page
  Or Land the Sea: a photo-poem New!
By Julie Cuthbert & Michael McKimm
The results of an eight-year project, Or Land the Sea is a portrait of the geology of the coast of Britain, with photographs by artist Julie Cuthbert and poems by writer and Geological Society librarian Michael McKimm.
Or Land the Sea invites the reader on a journey around important coastal geosites through Michael’s poems and Julie’s striking photographs.

Fossil Sunshine
  Fossil SunshineFossil Sunshine
By Michael McKimm
Fossil Sunshine is the result of Michael McKimm’s year long collaboration with earth scientists, in a project funded by Arts Council England

Ted Nield (former Editor of Geoscientist)

Underlands paperbackUnderlands: A Journey Through Britain's Lost Landscape
Spurred on by the erasure of history and industry, Ted Nield journeyed across this buried landscape: from the small Welsh village where his mining ancestors were born and died, to Swansea, Aberdeen, East Lothian, Surrey and Dorset.


IncomingIncoming! Or, why we should stop worrying and learn to love the meteorite

Interpreted as omens of doom or objects of power, Meteorites have been the stuff of legend throughout human history. Featuring a wealth of fascinating characters and great discoveries, Incoming! takes a fresh look at our falling skies.


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Titles currently on sale or available at special offer prices

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The Geology of South Mayo, Western Ireland
This book is the first comprehensive account of the geology of South Mayo, Western Ireland, for over 100 years and is accompanied by a large-scale (1:63,360) colour printed geological map of the area.
The Geology of South Mayo, Western Ireland
This book is the first comprehensive account of the geology of South Mayo, Western Ireland, for over 100 years and is accompanied by a large-scale (1:63,360) colour printed geological map of the area.