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Engineering Geology Special Publications

This is a successful and popular series devoted to engineering geology and geotechnical topics. The volumes are highly regarded both within the UK and internationally, and one has been translated into Spanish. The first volume was published in 1985.

Most Engineering Geology Special Publications have been the result of our Engineering Group annual conferences or Working Party reports, but proposals from other sources are welcomed.

Although Engineering Geology Special Publications do not necessarily have to be comprehensive (they are not text books), we expect the editors to provide a balanced coverage of the subject matter. The Society has high standards of quality control for book proposals, and the volume editors are required to undertake full peer review of all papers to the standards expected for our journals.

A list of the titles in this series is available from the publications catalogues.

Engineering Geology Special Publications can be purchased through the UK online bookshop, online booksellers and the major library suppliers in North America.

Engineering Geology Special Publications in the Lyell Collection

Engineering Geology Special Publications are included in the Lyell Collection, the Geological Society’s online collection of all key content published since 1845. The Collection features Engineering Geology Special Publications from Volume 1, with all new volumes being posted slightly ahead of their print publication date. Abstracts, PDFs and references have been captured up to and including Volume 21, with later volumes also including full text HTML. The Collection benefits from full electronic functionality, including active reference linking. For further details and information on how to subscribe to the Lyell Collection please visit