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Teaching resources and organisations

FieldCourse.JPG There are a wide variety of resources available for academic and support staff who teach or support learning in higher education. 

Most universities provide ‘educational development’ services and support; University Geoscience UK is the subject association of Geoscience departments; and many other professional bodies and organisations offer resources and events internationally.

University Geoscience UK


Formerly known as CHUGD, University Geoscience UK is the subject association of Geoscience departments / schools based within universities in the British Isles, with a new model of model of closer cooperative working with the Geological Society.

Professional Bodies, Subject Associations and Networks

Earth Science Learning & Teaching Events and Publications

  • Earth Science Teachers' Association Annual Conference (includes an HE workshop day):
  • The International Geoscience Education Organisation convenes an international conference approximately once every four years. The next conference is to be held in Brazil in 2018:
  • Higher Education sessions are regularly included within the following conferences:
  • Journal of Geoscience Education:
  • Teaching Earth Sciences:

HEN Workshop 14 June 2016: Virtual Worlds in GEES Teaching

The increasingly sophisticated potential of virtual worlds is already being used as a training ground for geological mapping, multi-user field trips and to build 3D visualisation skills., with the prospect of increasing fieldwork accessibility for those with mobility or health issues. This workshop was for anyone interested in developing, adapting or using virtual worlds in GEES education.