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Marine Studies Group

shackleton conference poster


Marine Studies Group logoThe Marine Studies Group (MSG) represents the marine geoscience community within the Geological Society. This includes marine geologists and sedimentologists, paleoceanographers, and marine geophysicists.

The MSG provides a focus for all marine Earth scientists and promotes the exchange of ideas within the broader marine geoscience and industry communities. The MSG aims to encourage research in, and teaching and public understanding of, marine geoscience by:

  • Arranging scientific meetings and workshops (often held jointly with other science and technology groups) to promote exchange of information about, and in-depth study of topical aspects of the science
  • Providing a forum for exchange of ideas within the communities

If you have an idea for a scientific workshop related to marine geoscience, please get in touch.


January 2021 newsletter 

Our events

The MSG are running the third Shackleton Conference on 28th September 2023, with the topic "Blue Carbon: Transfer and storage of carbon in nearshore and offshore shelf sea environments

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Paul Butler (University of Exeter)

Committee members

Bill Austin (St Andrews)

Gareth Carter (British Geological Survey)

Jude Coggon (University of Southampton,  UKIODP liaison)

Michael King (unattached)

Christian Maerz (University of Bonn)

David Rushton (East Point Geo)

Sasha Turchyn (University of Cambridge)

Iris Verhagen (Open University)

Gareth Wood (BP)

Contact us