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Activities and presentations

A series of presentations and activity sheets for teachers, STEM Ambassadors, and anyone else interested in geology to use in the classroom, in science clubs or at home.

The Geological Society gives permission for presentations to be adapted to suit other Key Stages and audiences. 

Quick Links:

Presentations and activity sheets for Key Stage 2 (age 7-11):
Dinosaurs | Fossils | The Rock Cycle | Volcanoes | EarthquakesEnergy ResourcesPlate Tectonics Passport | Space

Presentations and activity sheets for Key Stage 3-5 (ages 11-18):
Volcanoes | EarthquakesEnergy ResourcesGeothermal Gradient | Mineral Resources | Plate Tectonics Passport



You've probably heard of T. rex and Triceratops, but what exactly is a dinosaur? What do palaeontologists know about the different types of dinosaurs and why do they think they might still be around today? Find out all about dinosaurs in our presentation for primary school students and teachers.


What are fossils? How do they form? Find out why scientists study fossils and what they can tell us about the ancient creatures that once lived on Earth in our presentation for primary school students and teachers.


Who ate the Ammonite?  

'Who ate the Ammonite?' - a prehistoric food chain activity, ideal for Year 3 rocks and fossils topic and Year 4 food chains topic.


The Rock Cycle

What are rocks made of? How are they formed? What properties do they have? What can rocks tell us about past environments on Earth? Find out all about the rock cycle in our presentation for primary school students and teachers.


What is a volcano and how do they form? Why are there different types of volcanic eruption and how can these be dangerous?







Energy Resources

What is an energy resource? What's the difference between non-renewable and renewable energy resources and why does it matter?






Make your own Solar System

 rocks in space activity sheet image
make your own solar system pack image of various planets

Geothermal Gradient & Magma Generation 


The crust and mantle of the Earth are solid rock so where and why do we get liquid magma? The key lies in the Earth's geothermal gradient.


Mineral Resources 

Mineral Resources card game KS3-5

Mineral resources are vital for so constructing so many different things from smartphones and computers to satellites and space shuttles. 

Copper Exploration Activity KS5

Due to copper's high electrical and thermal conductivity it is an extremely important metal used in construction, electronics, transportation vehicles and industrial machinery. Find out how geologists explore for copper in this exploration activity.



Plate Tectonics Passport activity & presentation (KS2 - lower KS3)


Plate tectonics passport

Site information booklet

Plate tectonics powerpoint presentation

 Teacher's notes   Plate boundaries and arrows  Plate tectonics map (16 x A4)