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100 Great Geosites

The UK and Ireland feature some of the most diverse and beautiful geology in the world, spanning most of geological time, from the oldest Pre-Cambrian rocks to the youngest Quaternary sediments. As part of Earth Science Week 2014, The Geological Society and partner organisations celebrated this unique geo-heritage by launching a list of 100 Great Geosites across the UK and Ireland.


We split the sites into ten categories, although many sites fit into more than one! The winner of the public vote in each category has pride of place as the ‘People’s Favourite’.

Please click on the links below to find out more about the ten sites in each category:


Industrial & Economic Importance
Industrial & Economic Importance

Historical & Scientific Importance
Historical & Scientific Importance



Human Habitation
Human Habitation



Folding and Faulting
Folding & Faulting

Fire & Ice
Fire & Ice


Everyone visiting a Geosite does so at their own risk. The Geological Society assumes no responsibility for anyone visiting a Geosite. The Society cannot be held responsible for any accident, injury or loss occurring as a result of any visit to a Geosite or in connection with travel to or from a Geosite, however caused.

Participants are reminded that outdoor activities frequently need specialist equipment (boots, waterproofs, etc.) and the Society cannot provide these. Participants are responsible for assessing their own risk, the safety of themselves and their guests and the suitability of any equipment used. Please consider any medical conditions that may affect participants’ ability to undertake a visit to a Geosite.