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Benefits of Membership

Member benefits

Explore the many benefits of becoming a member:

BENEFIT (detailed explanation of each can be found in the drop down menus below)

Post nominal FGS  x    
Listing on GSL Fellowship directory  x    
Supporting advocacy of Earth science in the UK and beyond  x  x  x
Quarterly copy of Geoscientist magazine plus online access  x  x  x
Society newsletter every fortnight  x  x  x
Online access to the following journal options: JGS & QJEGH, PG or GEEA   x  x  
Online access to the Book Archive comprising Special Publications, Engineering Geology Special Publications and Memoirs  x  x  
Online access to selected Lyell Collection content (details below)  x  x  
Access to extensive Library services   x  x  
Free registration to GSL virtual conferences     x  
GSL print books from online and BH bookshops (up to 50% off)  x  x  x
Subscriptions on both Geology Today and Geology  x  x  
Open access fees for GSL journals and books  x  x  
Registration fees for conferences  x   x   
Burlington House venue hire fees   x    x   x
CPD and endorsed training courses   x   x  
Professional Development
Pathways to Chartership and associated benefits (CGeol, CSci and EurGeol)  x    
GSL CPD scheme  x    
Access to regional groups  x  x  x
Access to specialist groups  x   x   
Discounted RAS membership  x    
Eligibility for research grants  x  x  
Priority access to public lectures and other public event bookings  x  x  x
UK taxpayers can save up to 40% tax relief on membership fees  x    

Free online access to selected Lyell Collection content

The Lyell Collection is an online collection comprising of the Society’s journal titles, special publications and key book series. Visit our Access for Fellows page for further details on member access entitlements along with our Access FAQ’s page.

Membership provides free access to over 500 books in the online Book Archive, comprising Special Publications, Engineering Geology Special Publications and Memoirs (content published before the current and three previous calendar years).

Fellows can select free online access to one of the following journal options:

Access to our extensive library services

The Geological Society Library contains over 300,000 volumes of books and serials and 40,000 maps, making it a collection of national importance covering all aspects of the geological sciences.

Visit our library services page to find out more.

Library services for Friends is limited to:

  • Reference use of the Library
  • Document Delivery (at Fellows' rate
  • Inter-library loans (of photocopies/electronic copies only at Fellows' rate

Up to 50% discount on books and special publications

Members enjoy up to 50% off GSL print books available through the online bookshop or in the Burlington House bookshop, including special publications, memoirs and engineering geology special publications.

Discounts are also available on subscriptions to Geology Today published by Wiley And GSA's Geology.

Open Access publishing for Fellows

Fellows of the Geological Society are entitled to a 25% discount on Article Processing Fees (APC) when they publish Open Access with GSL owned or co-owned journals and books. To qualify Fellows must be the corresponding author or at least 50% of the authors must be GSL Fellows.

Free quarterly Geoscientist magazine

Fellows receive a printed copy of the Society’s quarterly Geoscientist magazine, filled with news, articles and updates. There is also the opportunity to engage with the publication through letters and writing book reviews.

Access to Burlington House

Located along Piccadilly, in the heart of London, Burlington House provides Fellows with a place to work, meet and study, offering free Wi-Fi access and power points in our public areas which include the Lyell Room and Lower Library.

Fortnightly Society newsletter

Stay updated with our fortnightly Society e-newsletter, which is always packed with interesting features including Society news and notices, upcoming events, new publications, Library recommendations and much more.

Access to networks via our Regional and Specialist Groups

We currently have 15 Regional Groups, plus one in Hong Kong, all of whom organise scientific, technical, professional and social events locally. Fellows are allocated to their nearest group.

The Society operates 14 specialist groups, known as Professional and Scientific Interest Groups (PSIGs), and is affiliated with 9 more. Members are welcome to join as many specialist groups as they wish, although should note that affiliated groups may charge an additional membership. For further details, please visit our Groups page.

Fellowship Directory listing

Free registration in our Fellowship Directory allows you to promote your membership *Fellows only.

Discounted event and conference rates for members

The Geological Society offers a busy events calendar featuring a programme of high quality lectures and events across the UK and internationally where Fellows have the opportunity to expand knowledge and network with other professionals across a variety of disciplines. Fellows enjoy discounted venue hire rates and reduced conference rates.

Student members can enjoy free registration to our virtual conferences. This offer is also extended to postgraduate students who are Fellow's.

Fellowship provides a pathway towards Chartership

*available for Fellow members only

As a Fellow, you can apply for Chartership with two pathways offered by the Society:

Chartered Scientist (CSci) and Chartered Geologist (CGeol)

Both require high standards of knowledge competence and professionalism and are recognised in the UK and a number of other countries. Being a Chartered Geologist opens the door for further qualifications such as SiLC (Specialist in Land Condition), RoGEP (Register of Ground Engineering Professionals) and CSCS cards (Construction Skills Certification Scheme).

In addition, the title of Chartered Geologist is a pre-requisite to being a competent person under the PERC and many other international reserves and resources’ reporting codes in the CRIRSCO family.

As a Chartered Geologist you can apply for the highly regarded European Geologist title and we have reciprocal arrangements with the AAPG, the AIPG and IGI under which we mutually recognise the equivalence of each other's professional qualifications.

Chartered Geologists can also purchase the Professional Chartered stamp which can be used to indicate professional status on documents, drawings and letters and can download the electronic CGeol logo to use with their e-signatures.

If you are working towards Chartership and would like a mentor, the Society will help you find someone to guide you through the process. Visit our mentoring page.

Discounted rates on CPD training courses and workshops

Discounts are available to Fellows on our endorsed training courses allowing you to further develop your knowledge and experience. Find out more about our CPD scheme

Use of the post nominal letters FGS

We are a leading advocate and influential voice for Earth science in the UK.

As the learned society and professional body for Earth science, with an international membership of c. 12,000 that spans the breadth of the Earth science community, the Geological Society is an effective, influential advocate and supporter of the: 

  • benefits of studying Earth science at all levels
  • relevance and impacts of Earth science research
  • expertise and knowledge of our professional workforce
  • applications of Earth science research and practice to local, regional and global challenges

We do this through:

  • meetings with key decision-makers and stakeholders, using our convening power and contacts to ensure Earth science contributes to key policy agendas
  • supporting education at all levels
  • delivering events and projects that facilitate knowledge exchange across communities of professional practice, business, policy and research
  • responding to consultations, reviews and calls for evidence, and making the case for the relevance and impact of Earth science knowledge to policy priorities and debates
  • recognising excellence and outstanding contributions through our medals and awards

UK taxpayers can save up to 40% on membership fees

 See tax relief for details *Fellows only

25% off membership with the Royal Astronomical Society (RAS)

The Geological Society and the Royal Astronomical Society (RAS), have agreed that Fellows who are members of both Societies will receive a 25% discount off the RAS rate 3 and GSL 34 - 59 age band of membership fees. See here for further details. *Fellows only

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