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Geology for Society is now available in 13 European languages

This page is part of the Geology for Society publication.

A secure, high quality supply of fresh water is vital to human health and well-being. Geologists help meet this need, in the UK and globally, through their understanding of water movement and aquifer behaviour, as well as identifying and mitigating water contamination.

Background Water Security & Groundwater
Water Quality


external linkUK Groundwater Forum: Raising the awareness of groundwater

external linkBritish Geological Survey: Groundwater Science Research

GSL linkGroups

hydro-logo.jpgGeological Society Hydrogeological Group

The Hydrogeological Group is a specialist group within the Geological Society of London.


EN icon finalGeological Society Environment Network

The Environment Network is a Geological Society initiative that will promote and develop all aspects of environmental geoscience.

GSL linkEducation Factsheets
eventPast Meetings & Events

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Water Security

Water Security & Groundwater

external linkBritish Geological Survey: The 2012 Drought external linkHydrological Outlook UK
Geoscientist ArticleArticles
eventPast Meetings & Events

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Water Quality

Water Quality 

policy documentPolicy Documents & Consultation Responses

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Geoscientist ArticleGeoscientist Magazine

EN icon final

GSL linkThe Environment Network

The Water-Energy Nexus

Read about water and energy interdependence as a growing environmental threat.

Geology for Society

Geology for Society cover

Aimed at policy and decision-makers as well as the wider public, 'Geology for Society' outlines the importance of geology to our society.