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Stratigraphy Commission

Shallow-marine strata of Oxfordian (Upper Jurassic) age near Osmington Mills, Dorset. This location is part of the Jurassic World Heritage Site

Photo caption: Shallow-marine strata of Oxfordian (Upper Jurassic) age near Osmington Mills, Dorset, UK. This location is part of the Jurassic World Heritage Site.

About us

The Stratigraphy Commission represents the stratigraphical interests of the British Earth Science community though the Geological Society, London. It comprises 18-25 elected people that aim to bring together expertise from across the stratigraphical community from academia, industry and other organizations. The Commission works closely with appropriate national and international bodies including the International Commission on Stratigraphy (ICS) and the British Geological Survey (BGS). However, an important principle within the Commission is that it acts independent of any single organisation.

The Commission publishes stratigraphically focussed specialist publications, supports and initiates meetings and original research projects, informs and promotes stratigraphy to non-specialist audiences, and communicates with government on important Earth science issues.

Stratigraphy and the geological timescale are critical to our understanding of the relative position, duration and accurate timing of events in Earth history and therefore to all branches of geology. Thus, we particularly strive to discuss and communicate the advantages of different stratigraphical techniques as well as their uncertainties and limitations.

We are open to new ideas, inputs and collaborations within the field of stratigraphy. Please do get in touch with us. As a constituent body of the Geological Society, the Commission represents the appropriate professional interests of all British geoscientists. It is independent of any individual institution, be it industrial, academic or the British Geological Survey.

Latest publication(s)

front cover of Deciphering Earth's History - the Practice of StratigraphyThe Commission are delighted to announce the publication of their new book on stratigraphical techniques entitled Deciphering Earth’s History: the Practice of Stratigraphy. The chapters have been written by 40 experts from academia, industry and the British Geological Survey, these are either members of the Commission or colleagues. More information, including a list of contents and how to order can be found on the book’s web page.

Latest news and events

March 2024: We are currently looking for new members and to widen our network. If you are interested in getting involved please contact the Chair, Professor Angela L. Coe, at the Open University.

25-31 August 2024, IUGS Congress in Burson, Korea

2026, International Subcommission on Jurassic Congress, Exeter, UK

stratigraphy commission logo

Our activities



Professor Angela L. Coe
School of Environment, Earth and Ecosystem Sciences,
The Open University,
Milton Keynes, MK7 6AA

(Acting) Secretary

Professor John Marshall
National Oceanography Centre,
University of Southampton,
Southampton, SO14 3ZH

Web person

Dr Kirsty M. Edgar 
School of Geography, Earth and Environmental Science, 
University of Birmingham,  
Birmingham, B15 2TT