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The Geological Society is involved with education from primary level, through the key stages of the National Curriculum, to A-Levels.



Geology Career Pathways: Geology at School 

Visit our interactive guide for students, teachers and parents. Find out about studying geology at school, applying for university, work experience and the national curriculum, as well as career options if you’re interested in the Earth.

Explore your pathway 

Field Studies Council

Field Studies Council

The Field Studies Council runs geology trips for 16-25 year olds interested in studying geology and/or physical geography at university and looking to improve their field skills.


Schools Geology Challenge

Teams of A-level Science, Geology and Geography students compete in a national final at Burlington House, after regional heats run by our Regional Groups.


Schools Affiliate Scheme

Join our Schools Affiliate Scheme to receive half-termly newsletters with geoscience related educational resources and events as well as a subscription to GSLs magazine Geoscientist for you school!

Geology in The National Curriculum

Visit our online resource, Geology Career Pathways, for updated guidance on when Geology is taught in school and where it overlaps with other subjects in the science and geography curriculum.

Student Membership of the Geological Society

Find out how to join the Geological Society as a Student Member, and alternative organisations for under 16's.


Educational Organisations Guide

An A-Z of educational organisations, with links to their websites

School resources by level & age

Key Stages, GCSEs and A Levels refer to the National Curriculum taught in England, Wales & Northern Ireland; Levels, Standards and Highers refer to the Scottish Curriculum for Excellence.

Plate Tectonic Stories Posters

We have produced A1 sized educational posters on plate tectonics for KS2-3 and KS4-5.