The Geological Society and Mineralogical Society of Great Britain & Ireland are pleased to announce the Hazel Prichard student bursary. The bursary, funded by her family, honours the achievements of Professor Hazel Prichard (1954-2017) in the mineral sciences.
The bursary provides up to £3000 in support to an undergraduate or taught MSc student in undertaking a research project.
Find out more about the Bursary
The Society has been awarding medals for significant achievement in the Earth sciences since 1831, and now grants a large range of awards, including funds and research grants, every year. The average award has been about £1,000.

This bursary aims to assist early career geologists, particularly those in industry, with professional development by contributing to travel costs or gaining experience. Applications should be sent to the Awards Secretary by the first Friday in February in any year.
Find out more about how to apply

The Early Career Geologist Award is now run by the Early Career Network and aims to recognise the work of geoscientists in the early stages of their careers. This competition is open to all Fellows with less than 10 years post graduate experience, who are working towards Chartership. Taking part is a great way to enhance your communication skills and demonstrate your understanding of a particular geological topic to an audience.
The 2020 winner was Charlotte Copley of the Yorkshire Regional Group. See past winners here.
Find out more about how to apply.
The Volcanic & Magmatic Studies Group runs two bursary schemes for student researchers, one to attend and present at conferences; and one to support students wishing to attend international technical and field workshops. Bursaries are awarded up to a maximum of £300.
There are two rounds of applications during the year:
Deadline 1 June for the bursary period 1 August - 31 January
Deadline 1 December for the bursary period 1 February - 31 July

The Geochemistry Group offers bursaries to postgraduate researchers registered at UK universities or research institutions to aid travel to a geochemistry meeting either in the UK or internationally.
There are three rounds of applications during the year. The deadlines are 15 January, 15 May and 15 October.

The Geochemistry Group offers monetary contributions to support national & international meetings on geochemical topics organised by sister scientific societies and groups.
There are three rounds of applications during the year. The deadlines are 15 January, 15 May and 15 October.

Financial support to postgraduate students attending field based sedimentology conferences outside the UK. Applications for assistance with sedimentological fieldwork may also be considered.
The deadline for each year's applications is 31 January

Financial support for female graduate students (of any age) and sedimentologists (under the age of 30), of any nationality, who require funds to assist them in carrying out sedimentological fieldwork or for attendance at international meetings.
The deadline for each year's applications is 31 January
The Glossop Award is made annually by the Engineering Group to an outstanding young engineering geologist or geo-environmentalist. The winner receives an award for attendance at a training course or field meeting supported or run by the Engineering Group, or a Geological Society Special Publication of their choice.
Find out more about the award

Every year the Geological Remote Sensing Group (GRSG) offers up to three awards of £750 each for students engaged in remote sensing research, as well as a Fieldwork Bursary scheme. Find out more at the GRSG website.

Introduced in 2024, the Fermor Seed Corn Fund honours Sir Lewis Leigh Fermor OBE FRS, and provides seed funding to those unable to apply for traditional research funding, including:
- Early Career Researchers, technical staff, or research assistants who are ineligible as lead investigators on standard UKRI grant applications
- Researchers returning to work following a career break or long-term illness
- Early-career researchers working in India, or with plans to collaborate with Indian research organisations
The deadline for applying is 30 September
Find out more about how to apply
Grants and Competitions run by other organisations:
Royal Commission for the Exhibition of 1851
Annual funding opportunities are available from the Royal Commission, including:
- Research Fellowships in Science and Engineering
- Industrial Fellowships
- Industrial Design Studentships
Find out more about how to apply.

The Geologists' Association can provide financial support of up to £600 to individuals for research projects in any area of Earth Sciences:
- Students should apply for a New Researchers' Award
- Non-students should apply for a GA Research Award
Support of up to £250 is also available for attendance at meetings - a GA Meetings Award
Applicants should be members of the Geologists' Association. Deadline for applications is 15 November each year.
Find out more at the GA website
Funding is available for satellite workshops and travel awards between labs or organisations to advance science and technology collaborations related to Geological Repositories. A small amount of funding is available to test instrumentation.
This is an open call with no deadline.