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hong kong

The Hong Kong Regional Group (HKRG) was established in May 2001 to represent the growing number of Fellows working in Hong Kong and provide them with a collective voice in terms of professional standards. In particular the group aims to recognise and promote the CGeol status, and provide regular geological related learned events. 

The HKRG committee comprises representatives from many of the leading consultants and contractors in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR), as well as members from key government departments. The committee meets regularly throughout the year and holds an AGM in the first quarter of each year; this is open to all Fellows of the Geological Society to attend.

The HKRG organises regular CPD events throughout the year, including technical visits to many of the large-scale infrastructure and development projects currently under construction, as well as frequent evening talks by local professionals and overseas experts who pass through Hong Kong. Occasional one-day symposiums/conferences are also organised by the group. 

In this respect, we welcome any suggestions or proposals for technical talks or site visits. Should you wish to propose a topic/venue, please do not hesitate to contact the the HKRG Secretary Stephen Ng.

Likewise, should you wish to be notified of future HKRG events, please email Stephen Ng in order to be added to our mailing list.

Address for correspondence
Geological Society of London – Hong Kong Regional Group
P.O. Box 7522
General Post Office
Hong Kong

Upcoming events

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Jesse Tam


Stephen Ng


Ming Kwok

Ordinary Committee Members

Thomas Chan
Trudy Kwong
Samson Leung
Kenneth Li
Tammy Tam
Elmer Tse
Dickson Wong
Celia Yang