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June 2015


Brontosaurus is back

Ted Nield welcomes the return of a very old friend indeed



How I became CGeol

Rick Brassington, newly elected Council member, describes how he became chartered in the early days of the ‘Institution of Geologists’



Working with clay

John Mather, together with his wife Jenny Bennett, collect ceramics.  After retiring, he decided to make them himself...


GOE figure

Matthew Warke*, Gloyne Research Fund winner, investigates Palaeoproterozoic rise in oxygen on Kaapvaal Craton.


Online Special

Online Special - Geology and Beer

Peter Dolan explores the interaction between these two essential ingredients for a fulfilled life.


Society News

Gabi Schneider Honorary FGS

Gabi Schneider of the Geological Survey of Namibia becomes the Society's newest Honorary Fellow


Accessible fieldwork

Announcing a forthcoming conference - 'Confronting Barriers to inclusion', 26 June


New ebook Collection

Library announces first e-book collection for Fellows, writes Michael McKimm


Research Grants 2015

£28,330 will be awarded to 21 of 41 applicants for Society Research Grants


STEPPE this way

The Society joins a new consortium to promote research, writes Sarah Day


Books & Arts

Books and Arts

Four new book reviews by Andrew Robinson, Murray Hoggett, Caroline Mason and Richard Dawe



Distant Thunder - Dizzy heights

Nina Morgan celebrates a high point in the history of geology



Boris Sergeevich Sokolov 1914 2013

Distinguished geologist and palaeontologist, expert on fossil corals and ‘Godfather’ of the Vendian Period.


Yves Oscar Fortier 1914-2014

Director of the Geological Survey of Canada who pioneered modern geological study of the Arctic Islands.