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Chartership news


Chartership Officer Bill Gaskarth reports on a projected new logo for use by CGeols, advice on applications and company training schemes

The Professional and Chartership Committees are to produce a ‘kitemark’ for use by Chartered Geologists on their reports, letters and other communications, to indicate that they are written by a Chartered Geologist in good standing. The logo will identify the author by Chartership number.


Geologists working in the SI industry have hitherto received no guidance with regard to demonstrating their competencies, particularly against Chartership criteria i and ii. David Norbury has now prepared one, which can be found on the website (go to ‘Apply for CGeol’ and scroll down).

A number of Scrutineers have expressed concern about many of the items submitted as Supporting Documents. Many appear not to be focused on specific criteria, nor to indicate clearly the relevant parts of these documents, causing scrutineers unnecessary work. A guidance note on this will appear on the website shortly (again, under ‘Apply for CGeol’). All Sponsors should look at this guidance and advise their candidates accordingly if, when they read the Application, they find deficiencies.


The Professional Committee has accredited three new Training Schemes - RPS Energy, CH2MHill and URS, bringing the total number of accredited schemes to eight. RPS Energy’s course is the first to be received from the Hydrocarbons sector. The others mainly cover training of Engineering and Environmental Geologists. Other companies have expressed intent to apply, including AECOM, Fugro and BG Group.