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STEPPE this way

At the beginning of this year, the Geological Society was pleased to become a member of STEPPE – a consortium promoting research into sedimentary geology, time, environment, palaeontology, paleoclimate and energy.

STEPPE’s mission is to promote multidisciplinary research and education on Earth’s deep-time sedimentary crust, and the record of life and climate it archives. It provides support to the scientific community by highlighting funding opportunities, providing opportunities for workshops, working groups and professional development training sessions, and web hosting and database services.

STEPPE is supported by the US National Science Foundation and professional societies, representing a community which includes roughly one third of Earth science faculty in US universities. The size of this community and the diverse range of disciplines it covers – biology, geography, ecology, palaeontology, sedimentary geology, stratigraphy, geochronology, paleoclimatology, sedimentary geochemistry and more – means communication among participants can be a challenge. By providing tools to bring participants closer together, STEPPE is working to promote broader integration of research and education across all STEPPE-related sub disciplines.

Edmund Nickless (Executive Secretary) said: “As the newest member of STEPPE, the Society looks forward to pursuing shared goals of promoting geoscience research, education and professional development.”