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National Schools Geology Challenge

 Resources for schools

Key Stage 4 (GCSE / Nationals) age 14–16

Secondary School Year 10-11 (England & Wales), Year 11-12 (Northern Ireland), S4-S5 (Scotland)

Quick Links: Geological Society Resources | Resources from other organisations

Resources from the Geological Society


Online interactive resource: Plate Tectonics

Find out about the structure of the Earth's tectonic plates, the different types of plate boundaries and the pioneers of plate tectonics using our interactive online module designed for Key Stage 4-5 students and teachers.


Download our fact sheets for teachers, school students and anyone interested in the Earth. Topics range from volcanoes and earthquakes to groundwater, minerals, energy and UK geology.

Anthropocene Activity Pack

Has human impact on the Earth contributed to a new epoch of geological time? Download resources from our schools event in Earth Science Week 2015.

Lesson Plans

KS4 Earth science classroom activities:

Plate Tectonics | Relative Dating

Papers & Reports: Flood basalts & super-eruptions

Papers and reports on flood basalts, mantle plumes and mass extinctions, and super-eruptions.

Geology Careers leaflet

Our careers leaflet / poster sets out the fields in which geologists work, and initial choices for school students planning a geology career. Download the leaflet or order a print copy.


Posters on the carbon cycle, minerals in a smartphone and plate tectonics. Ideal for displaying in the classroom.

Resources from other organisations

Deep Earth Explorers seismology image

Deep Earth Explorers - Waves

Series of 4 complete lessons developed by Deep Earth Explorers. Students will make their own seismometers, locate an underground explosion, measure the core using seismic waves, and work out the truth behind a common mantle myth!

Deep Earth Explorers planet project image

Deep Earth Explorers - Planet Project

Planetary Mini-Project developed by Deep Earth Explorers. 3-lesson, team-based, planetary-themed series of activities with accompanying worksheets and PowerPoint presentations. Covers topics from Maths GCSE.


Earth Learning Idea

Earth Learning Idea (ELI) publish Earth-related teaching ideas and practical resources every two weeks. Each activity is designed to create student participation for maximum learning, with most requiring minimal cost and equipment. They are fun, engaging and produce excellent learning outcomes!

Discovering Geology: Resources from the BGS

Education resources from the British Geological Survey for schools and colleges, lifelong learners or anyone interested in the Earth. Topics include geological hazards, time, climate change and the geology of Britain. Install a seismometer in your school to detect earthquakes or explore UK geology with Minecraft.

Teaching Resources from

Activities and lesson plans that can easily be modified for the classroom. Topics include astronomy, earthquakes and volcanoes, plate tectonics, erosion, water, maps, rocks and minerals, and weather.

Science and Geography resources from Teachit

Hundreds of teaching resources at Key Stages 3 and 4:


Earthquake Teachable Moments from IRIS

Free resources, presentations and classroom insight on recent significant earthquakes, from Incorporated Research Organisations for Society, a consortium of US universities.

School resources by level & age

Key Stages, GCSEs and A Levels refer to the National Curriculum taught in England, Wales & Northern Ireland; Levels, Standards and Highers refer to the Scottish Curriculum for Excellence.

Arrange for a geologist to visit your school



Geobus St Andrews and Geobus UCL visit schools in Scotland and London, providing Earth science resources and teaching.