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Operations Geology in 2020 and Beyond: Traditional and Modern Approaches

4-5 November 2020 Virtual Conference

The key theme of the 5th Operations Geoscience conference was how the role of the Operations Geologist will evolve as the Oil & Gas industry embraces the digital transformation. Operations Geologists will be at the heart of this transformation by bringing together digitalisation and geological expertise to improve operational efficiency and promote success.

The organisers invited contributions within all aspects of Operations Geoscience with a preferred focus on emerging technologies and advances in the digital oilfield. Suggested themes include:

  • Machine learning and artificial intelligenc applied to planning and drilling a well
  • Digitalisation and “disrupting” current work flow – can digitalisation and data mining generate additional information that will change the role of the operations geoscientist?
  • New analytical technologies and technological advances – case studies of e.g. LWD, wireline or modelling solutions as applied during operations
  • PPFG, Geomechanics & surface logging showcasing innovative approaches and surprising outcomes
  • Managing risks and improving safety      
Operations Geology in 2020 and Beyond Abstract Book 

Review of Operations Geology conference

UK Oil and Gas Fields 50th Anniversary Commemorative Memoir Launch conference 

30 November 2020

Geological Society Memoir 52 records the extraordinary 50+ year journey that has led to the development of some 458 oil and gas fields on the UKCS. It follows the 1991 and 2003 Memoirs and is the largest of the series, containing papers on around 150 fields both on and offshore. Memoir 52 is a major, landmark volume that will be an enduring data source for those exploring for, developing, producing hydrocarbons and sequestering CO2 on the UKCS in the coming decades.

This conference marked the publication of Memoir 52 in Q3 2020. Sixteen invited speakers discussed fields which are contained in the Memoir. These talks covered all of the major UK basins and will highlight themes which run through the Memoir. These themes included the utility of seismic data across the value chain, evolution in drilling and completion technologies, recent and near term field developments, and new exploration targets in less common reservoirs and subtle traps. As such it will be of benefit to all geoscientists working the UKCS.      

UK Oil and Gas Fields Launch Conference Abstract Book

Review of Launch conference 

To purchase a copy of the book, please visit the Bookshop: