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Salt Tectonics: Understanding Rocks that Flow

29-31 October 2019, The Geological Society, London

The complex behavioural and rheological characteristics of salt can strongly influence the structural and stratigraphic evolution of a basin. With many of the largest hydrocarbon provinces existing within salt-related basins, an understanding of the processes involved in salt tectonics has important scientific and economic implications for geological research and hydrocarbon exploration.

Modern high-resolution 3D seismic data with improved imaging of salt structures, in combination with more advanced physical and numerical modelling techniques, revolutionises the way we see salt tectonics and the role of salt structures.

Abstract book:

Capturing Geoscience in Geomodels

26-27 June 2019, Robert Gordon University, Aberdeen

Over recent years the construction of 3D static and dynamic reservoir models has become increasingly complex. With the availability of extensive tools and technology, it is important not to forget the objective of the modelling process.

As we develop our hydrocarbon fields, it is essential that 3D static models be built with fit-for-purpose geological models, honouring the geological, geophysical and petrophysical data that they are created from.

This two-day conference explored how geoscience information should be used to best effect, and to identify when geoscience data may no longer add value. 

Abstract book:

Petroleum Geology of Mexico and the Northern Caribbean

14-16 May 2019, The Geological Society, London

The Gulf of Mexico is a world-class prolific hydrocarbon system. As a result of recent energy reform, the Mexican sector of this basin has been open to international companies for the first time through a series of competitive licence rounds. The first phase of drilling on these newly-awarded permits has resulted in the discovery of giant hydrocarbon accumulations in the Mexican offshore sector.

Geologically, the offshore and onshore basins of Mexico offer a diverse range of play types, with multiple source/reservoir pairs, and are characterised by complex tectonic evolution, with associated halokinesis and shale tectonics.

More widely within the Northern Caribbean region, exploration activities are ongoing in several countries, targeting both proven and frontier petroleum systems. Some of these play elements are potential extensions of the proven systems in Mexico. While geologically complex, these areas have the potential to emerge as major hydrocarbon basins.

This regional conference brought together the leading academic and industry researchers working in the region to discuss the current state of understanding of the geology and petroleum systems in these geologically complex, but prolific, hydrocarbon basins.

Abstract book:

Celebrating the Life of Chris Cornford (1948-2017): Petroleum Systems Analysis, 'Science or Art'? 

24-25 April 2019, The Geological Society, London

Approaches to tackling the scientific and practical questions in the fields of petroleum geochemistry and petroleum systems analysis range from the entirely theoretical to the empirical. Chris Cornford embraced both in his working life. The integrated approach he espoused will form the basis of the technical programme for the conference, covering two themes:

  • Recent developments in the use of data, including integration of models and (big) data; use of visualisation and data exploration or mining techniques.
  • Topical issues and controversies, ranging from mass balance approaches and petroleum migration, to specific modelling studies and practical applications.

The conference was inspired by Chris’ ethos of innovation, encouragement of youth and challenging received wisdom.

Abstract book:

Hydrocarbons in Space and Time

9-10 April 2019, The Geological Society, London

The global endowment of hydrocarbons is markedly uneven both spatially and temporally. In the 1990s, several key papers recognised that distinct stratigraphic and paleogeographic trends exist and that this knowledge was an important guide to successful exploration. So, what has changed in 30 years?

The industry has moved into new frontiers and basins, drilled deeper, found new plays and gone through a revolution that has brought unconventional resources to the fore. It is therefore timely to consider how our knowledge of the distribution of hydrocarbons in time and space has changed. What new insights have we gained? Can this new understanding be used to be better at predicting new hydrocarbon discoveries?

Abstract book: