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2018 meeting resources

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Operations Geoscience: 'Adding Value'

7-8 November 2018, The Geological Society, London

The main focus of this meeting was looking at the value operations geoscientists deliver and the pivotal role they play via the following topics:

The value of learning lessons well – what is a lesson?; how are lessons learned and managed (e.g. avoiding non productive/invisible lost time)?; practical examples of lessons with demonstrable change; personal willingness to share failure/sub optimal performance

Risks and safety of operations – identifying, managing, communicating risks and planning contingencies effectively

Formation pressure and geomechanics – sharing good practice, techniques and knowledge, prediction and detection methods

The value of managing and interpreting data – effective data management for field life, examples of cross-company collaboration.

Overarching themes:

  • Value of these themes to well life cycle
  • Sharing real world examples and case studies
  • Importance of personal behavioural skills throughout (leadership, communication, relationship building and influencing others)
  • Share good practice, showcasing innovative approaches and technologies

Abstract book:

The Geology of Fractured Reservoirs

24-25 October 2018, The Geological Society, London

A large proportion of the world’s oil and gas is produced from fractured reservoirs, with new discoveries continuing to be made and put into development. This conference will explore the many ways in which the geology of fractures is fundamental to the understanding of fluid flow in the subsurface, and hence to predicting and monitoring reservoir performance.

Fractured reservoirs are those in which fractures have caused a significant increase in total permeability. Carbonate reservoirs, tight sandstone reservoirs, basement reservoirs and shale reservoirs are all commonly fractured, and present significant challenges to petroleum geologists. The focus of these challenges, but not their significance, changes throughout a field’s life-cycle from exploration to production. Many geothermal reservoirs are also fractured, and share common challenges. This meeting highlighted how multidisciplinary work is essential to develop an applicable understanding of the behaviour of fractured reservoirs.

Abstract book:

Interplay of Heatflow, Subsidence and Continental Break-up: a case study workshop

8-9 October 2018, The Geological Society, London

In the past decade significant advances have been made in the understanding of the evolution of rifted margins. It has nonetheless proven difficult to match models of heatflow and subsidence during and after continental breakup with well data, seismic observations and field studies.

The aim of the meeting was to bring academia and industry together, particularly structural geologists and petroleum systems analysts with the aim of defining a common understanding of the data, models and challenges faced by the different disciplines interpreting and predicting structural evolution, heatflow and subsidence.

Abstract book and other documents:

Communication Geoscience: Building Public Interest and Promoting Inclusive Dialogue

4 September 2018, The Geological Society, London

Science communication can be difficult, with explanations of complex subsurface concepts and the use of scientific terminology often alienating those we seek to engage with. This is especially true when the energy industry engages the public regarding its activities, products and role in society, which can inspire a passionate and often polarised reaction. There is often a mistrust towards science experts and a bias towards industry, including those who undertake industry-funded research. While science communication can be challenging, it is a key tool to build trust, dispel myths and provide up-to-date scientific knowledge.

This conference aims to look in-depth at geoscience communication in the energy industry to better achieve effective public engagement. This includes evaluating case studies, establishing best practice and understanding the value of public perception.

Abstract book:




Advances in Production Geoscience as an enabler for maximising economic recovery and ensuring a future for the UKCS

6-7 June 2018, Robert Gordon University, Aberdeen

Out of adversity comes opportunity. A significant change is required in the North Sea petroleum industry to keep it profitable and growing, and geoscience has the opportunity to lead the way in delivering this change. New plays, fields, technologies and alliances are required in order to increase recovery and reduce the cost of delivering hydrocarbons.

In 2014 the Maximising Economic Recovery UK report suggested that 12-24bn barrels of oil equivalent remained to be produced from the North Sea. This conference aimed to show how geoscience is helping to develop and recover as much of this remaining hydrocarbon as possible. It showcased a range of solutions maximise economic recovery from the UKCS.

Abstract book:

Eastern Mediterranean – An emerging major petroleum province

29-30 May 2018, The Geological Society

In recent years the Eastern Mediterranean region has witnessed growing interest from international energy companies. Substantial gas reserves have been found in Egypt's Nile Delta Basin and in the Mediterranean coastal areas since 1995, and in more recent times Noble Energy has discovered a series of substantial gas fields off the Israeli coast.  Several countries have been announcing licensing rounds in recent years.

A key objective of the meeting was to seek a strong set of papers to highlight in greater depth recent discoveries such as those of the prolific Pliocene Nile Delta province and the more recent ENI Zohr supergiant carbonate discovery and the successful clastic plays in the Levant Basin. Results from Totals current drilling campaign in Cyprus Blk 11 will also drive interest in the region.

Abstract book: