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January 2007


Of trouble and birthdays

Ted Nield lets off a little Bicentennial esteem


Happy birthday

Prof. Tony Watts (Science Secretary) leads the Society in a rousing chorus of acclaim for the Bicentenary



Tracking oil

Amarendra Swarup on the use of downhole NMR


Tomb raider cracks it

Dwain Eldreds reveals a geological marker for pharaonic tombs



Peach and Horne - the memoir at 100

Rob Butler dusts down his copy of the North-West Highlands Memoir to find that it still talks to 21st Century geoscientists a century later…


Ice Ages

Sue Bowler examines the role of the Society in the first great climate debate



Reviews - January 2007

Three books reviewed by Geoff Glasby, Rob Strachan and Joe Brannan


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Volume 17 No 1 January 2007
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