Funding Opportunities with the Geological Repository Network (GeoRepNet)

Funding is available for satellite workshops and travel awards between labs or organizations to advance science and technology collaborations related to Geological Repositories. A small amount of funding is available to test instrumentation.
This is an open call with no deadline.
This funding opportunity is provided by the Geological Repository Network (GeoRepNet) under the Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC) Futures Programme Global Challenge Networks.
Early Career Awards/Travel and Instrumentation Awards
Funding is available for travel between labs or organizations to develop science and technology within or outside UK which improves the translation of technology towards geological repositories. Particularly encouraged are early career researchers.
The travel should generate new links between organisations seeking to improve our understanding of how to establish, build and monitor geological repositories. We are particularly interested in the transfer of high technologies that fit within the STFC remit (e.g. space technologies). This travel funding is intended to provide travel funds to support one or more individuals. A small amount of funding (up to £1,000) may also be used as part of the award for consumables to test technologies to carry out proof of concept testing of instruments and methods in the laboratory or in the field.
Funding for each award would typically be £1500.