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Your search for books returned the following 74 results.

Showing 61 to 74 of 74 results

United Kingdom Oil and Gas Fields: 50th Anniversary Commemorative Volume

Product Code: M0052
Series: GSL Memoirs - print copy
Author/Editor: Edited by G. Goffey & J.G. Gluyas
Publication Date: 03 December 2020
£ 34.99
List price: £ 200.00 £ 34.99
Fellow's price: £ 100.00 £ 34.99
Other societies price: £ 120.00 £ 34.99

Subsurface Sand Remobilization and Injection

Product Code: SP493
Series: GSL Special Publications - print copy
Author/Editor: Edited by M. Bowman, S. Cobain, A. Hurst, M. Huuse and S. Silcock
Publication Date: 13 July 2021
£ 34.99
List price: £ 110.00 £ 34.99
Fellow's price: £ 55.00 £ 34.99
Other societies price: £ 66.00 £ 34.99

Geoethics: Status and Future Perspectives

Product Code: SP508
Series: GSL Special Publications - print copy
Author/Editor: Edited by G. Di Capua, P.T. Bobrowsky, S.W. Kieffer, C. Palinkas
Publication Date: 08 June 2021
£ 34.99
List price: £ 120.00 £ 34.99
Fellow's price: £ 60.00 £ 34.99
Other societies price: £ 72.00 £ 34.99

Mineralization and Sustainable Development in the West African Craton: From Field Observations to Modelling

Product Code: SP502
Series: GSL Special Publications - print copy
Author/Editor: Edited by T. Aïfa
Publication Date: 22 July 2021
£ 49.99
List price: £ 135.00 £ 49.99
Fellow's price: £ 67.50 £ 49.99
Other societies price: £ 81.00 £ 49.99

Pannotia to Pangaea: Neoproterozoic and Paleozoic Orogenic Cycles in the Circum-Atlantic Region

Product Code: SP503
Series: GSL Special Publications - print copy
Author/Editor: Edited by B. Murphy, R.A. Strachan, C. Quesada
Publication Date: 28 January 2021
£ 49.99
List price: £ 150.00 £ 49.99
Fellow's price: £ 75.00 £ 49.99
Other societies price: £ 90.00 £ 49.99

The Basins, Orogens and Evolution of the Southern Gulf of Mexico and Northern Caribbean

Product Code: SP504
Series: GSL Special Publications - print copy
Author/Editor: Edited by I. Davison, J. Hull and J. Pindell
Publication Date: 25 March 2021
£ 49.99
List price: £ 180.00 £ 49.99
Fellow's price: £ 90.00 £ 49.99
Other societies price: £ 108.00 £ 49.99

Carbon Cycle and Ecosystem Response to the Jenkyns Event in the Early Toarcian (Jurassic)

Product Code: SP514
Series: GSL Special Publications - print copy
Author/Editor: Edited by M. Reolid, L.V. Duarte, E. Mattioli and W. Ruebsam
Publication Date: 03 December 2021
£ 49.99
List price: £ 150.00 £ 49.99
Fellow's price: £ 75.00 £ 49.99
Other societies price: £ 90.00 £ 49.99

Volcanism in Antarctica: 200 Million Years of Subduction, Rifting and Continental Break-up

Product Code: M0055
Series: GSL Memoirs - print copy
Author/Editor: Edited by J.L. Smellie, K.S. Panter, A. Geyer
Publication Date: 09 June 2021
£ 64.99
List price: £ 210.00 £ 64.99
Fellow's price: £ 105.00 £ 64.99
Other societies price: £ 126.00 £ 64.99

Nautilus, Beautiful Survivor: 500 million years of evolutionary history [Reduced while stocks last]

Product Code: MPBNU
Series: Miscellaneous titles
Author/Editor: By Wolfgang Grulke
Publication Date: 09 October 2016
£ 30.40
List price: £ 38.00 £ 30.40

Beyond Extinction, The Eternal Ocean: Climate change & the continuity of life [Reduced while stocks last]

Product Code: MPBEX
Series: Miscellaneous titles
Author/Editor: By Wolfgang Grulke
Publication Date: 01 July 2019
£ 30.40
List price: £ 38.00 £ 30.40

Glossary of Geology, 5th Edition, revised (hardback book) [Reduced while stocks last]

Product Code: GOG5
Series: American Geosciences Institute titles
Author/Editor: Edited by Klaus K E Neuendorf, James P Mehl Jr. and Julia A Jackson
Publication Date: 01 November 2011
£ 50.00
List price: £ 75.00 £ 50.00

Rocks Radio and Radar: The Extraordinary Scientific, Social and Military Life of Elizabeth Alexander [Reduced while stocks last]

Product Code: MPRRR
Series: Miscellaneous titles
Author/Editor: By Mary Harris
Publication Date: 21 May 2019
£ 50.00
List price: £ 100.00 £ 50.00

Anomalies - Pioneering Women in Petroleum Geology: 1917-2017 (Revised 2018 edition) [Reduced while stocks last]

Product Code: MPANOM
Series: AAPG Special Volumes
Author/Editor: by Robbie Rice Gries
Publication Date: 01 November 2018
£ 25.00
List price: £ 50.00 £ 25.00

Tectonostratigraphic Atlas of the Northeast Atlantic Region [Reduced while stocks last]

Product Code: NTATL
Series: Miscellaneous titles
Author/Editor: Edited by John R. Hopper, Thomas Funck, Martyn Stoker, Uni Árting, Gwenn Peron-Pinvidic, Hans Doornenbal and Carmen Gaina
Publication Date: 01 September 2014
£ 122.50
List price: £ 175.00 £ 122.50

Showing 61 to 74 of 74 results
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