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Cover image Nautilus

Nautilus, Beautiful Survivor: 500 million years of evolutionary history [RRP £38]

Print publication date: 04/10/2016

At One Publishing, Earth and Solar System History, At One Publishing, GeoGifts, Sale

Type: Book (Hardback)

Binding: Hardback

ISBN: 9780992974022

Weight: 2kg

Number of pages: 224


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Full Description

Product Code: MPBNU

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Published by At One Communications.

By Wolfgang Grulke


Format: 252 x 297mm, landscape, hardback 

The Chambered Nautilus is one of the oldest living things on our planet. Since the dawn of civilisation its form has inspired artists, designers and architects. Nautilus has survived whatever the world has thrown at it for more than 500 million years, persisting even as dinosaurs and many other life forms vanished. Now, however, some believe it could become extinct within a generation. This book celebrates the long history of Nautilus, its role in human culture and the realities of its life today. 

Sample pages (At One website)
