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Geological Disposal of Radioactive Waste

The implementation of geological disposal of radioactive waste has been the UK Government’s adopted policy since 2008. 

The Geological Society has engaged with this policy area over the last 15 years by responding to Government inquiries and consultations, hosting technical meetings and conferences, and convening experts to offer independent guidance on geological matters. 

This briefing note outlines the ways in which geological expertise and geologists are essential for the disposal of radioactive waste.

flow diagram showing the sources and management of radioactive waste in the UK

Figure - Flow diagram showing the sources and management of radioactive waste in the UK. Source: UK Government. 

cover page of the geological disposal of radioactive waste briefing note

What is radioactive waste?

What is geological disposal?

How can geological disposal ensure the long-term safety of radioactive waste?

How will the UK select a site to dispose of radioactive waste?

The essential role of geoscience skills and knowledge

The Geological Society continues to respond to Government consultations on this topic - read our past consultation responses.

In 2016, the Society assisted in convening an Independent Review Panel to review the National Screening Guidance developed by RWM in 2016, resulting as a direct action from the 2014 White Paper ‘Implementing Geological Disposal’.

visual representation of a geological disposal facility for the management of radioactive waste

Figure - Illustrative diagram showing a geological disposal facility for radioactive waste. Source: Radioactive Waste Management Ltd.