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Parent Paper: Salt weathering: a selective review


Appearing in Siegesmund, S., Weiss, T. & Vollbrecht, A. (eds) Geomaterials, Weathering Phenomena, Conservation Strategies and Case Studies. Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 205, 51-64.

A literature survey of research on the topic of salt weathering has been used to produce selections of several small groups of articles in order to provide a substantial introduction to the topic, as well as a convenient way to enter and use the large volume of multidisciplinary literature on building material decay and salts. Seven sections are presented: (A) Building Material Deterioration Overviews, (B) Salt Weathering Literature Reviews, (C) Selected Experimental/Field Papers on Salt Weathering, (D) Selected Theory/Modelling Papers on Salt Weathering, (E) Selected Bibliographies and (F) Special Publications on Conservation, Salts and Desalination.

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  • Building Material Decay and Salt Weathering: A Selected Bibliography