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New publications

Your search for books returned the following 20 results.

Showing 11 to 20 of 20 results

Geological Mapping of Our World and Others

Product Code: SP541
Series: GSL Special Publications - print copy
Author/Editor: Edited by R.W.H. Butler, T. Torvela and L. Williams
Publication Date: 23 April 2024 NEW PUBLICATION

New publication

A new publication is a title published or newly stocked in the past 6 months.

£ 130.00
List price: £ 130.00
Fellow's price: £ 65.00
Other societies price: £ 78.00

Seismic Geomorphology: Subsurface Analyses, Data Integration and Palaeoenvironment Reconstructions

Product Code: SP525
Series: GSL Special Publications - print copy
Author/Editor: Edited by A.M.W. Newton, K.J. Andresen, K.J. Blacker, R. Harding and E. Lebas
Publication Date: 26 March 2024 NEW PUBLICATION

New publication

A new publication is a title published or newly stocked in the past 6 months.

£ 110.00
List price: £ 110.00
Fellow's price: £ 55.00
Other societies price: £ 66.00

Biogeomorphic Responses to Wildfire in Fluvial Ecosystems

Product Code: USPE562
Series: GSA Special Papers
Author/Editor: Editors: Joan L. Florsheim, Alison P. O’Dowd, and Anne Chin
Publication Date: 15 February 2024 NEW PUBLICATION

New publication

A new publication is a title published or newly stocked in the past 6 months.

£ 54.00
List price: £ 54.00
Fellow's price: £ 38.00

The Triassic and Jurassic of the Junggar Basin, China: Advances in Palaeontology and Environments

Product Code: SP538
Series: GSL Special Publications - print copy
Author/Editor: Edited by Jingeng Sha, Sam M. Slater, Vivi Vajda, Paul E. Olsen, Haichun Zhang
Publication Date: 14 February 2024 NEW PUBLICATION

New publication

A new publication is a title published or newly stocked in the past 6 months.

£ 120.00
List price: £ 120.00
Fellow's price: £ 60.00
Other societies price: £ 72.00

The Woodpecker Mystery: The inevitability of the improbable

Product Code: MPNWM
Series: Miscellaneous titles
Author/Editor: By Nick Norman
Publication Date: 25 October 2023 NEW PUBLICATION

New publication

A new publication is a title published or newly stocked in the past 6 months.

£ 15.00
List price: £ 15.00
Fellow's price: £ 13.50

Construction and Modification of Debris-Flow Alluvial Fans as Captured in the Geomorphic and Sedimentary Record: Examples from the Western Sangre de Cristo Mountains, South-Central Colorado

Product Code: USPE561
Series: GSA Special Papers
Author/Editor: Authors: Sylvia R. Nicovich, James G. Schmitt, Harrison J. Gray, Ralph E. Klinger, and Shannon Mahan
Publication Date: 12 October 2023 NEW PUBLICATION

New publication

A new publication is a title published or newly stocked in the past 6 months.

£ 30.00
List price: £ 30.00
Fellow's price: £ 20.00
Other societies price: £ 20.00

Structural Analysis and Chronologic Constraints on Progressive Deformation within the Rincon Mountains, Arizona: Implications for Development of Metamorphic Core Complexes

Product Code: UMWR222
Series: GSA Memoirs
Author/Editor: Authors: G.H. Davis, E. Bos Orent, C. Clinkscales, F.R. Ferroni, G.E. Gehrels, S.W.M. George, K.A. Guns, C.E. Hanagan, A. Hughes, A. Iriondo, G. Jepson, C. Kelty, R.W. Krantz, B.M. Levenstein, S.H. Lingrey, D.P. Miggins, T. Moore, S.E. Portnoy, L.J. Reeher, and J.W. Wang
Publication Date: 06 September 2023 NEW PUBLICATION

New publication

A new publication is a title published or newly stocked in the past 6 months.

£ 66.00
List price: £ 66.00
Fellow's price: £ 46.00
Other societies price: £ 46.00

Cumbria, Volume 1: Cumberland and Volume 2: Westmorland and Furness

Product Code: GA077
Series: GA Guides - print copy
Author/Editor: Edited by Richard Wrigley
Publication Date: 14 August 2023 NEW PUBLICATION

New publication

A new publication is a title published or newly stocked in the past 6 months.

£ 36.00
List price: £ 36.00
Fellow's price: £ 32.00

Unearthing the Underworld: A Natural History of Rocks

Product Code: MPRKUTU
Series: Miscellaneous titles
Author/Editor: By Ken McNamara
Publication Date: 01 July 2023 NEW PUBLICATION

New publication

A new publication is a title published or newly stocked in the past 6 months.

£ 18.00
List price: £ 18.00
Fellow's price: £ 16.20

Dragons’ Teeth and Thunderstones: The Quest for the Meaning of Fossils

Product Code: MPRKDTT
Series: Miscellaneous titles
Author/Editor: By Ken McNamara
Publication Date: 12 October 2020 NEW PUBLICATION

New publication

A new publication is a title published or newly stocked in the past 6 months.

£ 20.00
List price: £ 20.00
Fellow's price: £ 18.00

Showing 11 to 20 of 20 results
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