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Early Palaeozoic Peri-Gondwana Terranes: new insights from tectonics and biogeography

Product Code: SP325
Series: GSL Special Publications - print copy
Author/Editor: Edited by M G Bassett
Publication Date: 15 December 2009
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Following the late Neoproterozoic– early Cambrian breakup of the supercontinent Rodinia, Gondwana evolved as one of the principal continental masses on Earth, embracing most of South America, Africa, Australasia, Antarctica, much of western Europe and parts of Asia. Around its margins were various other terranes that had varying tectonic and biogeographical affinities with the main continental block. This book incorporates a series of reviews and multidisciplinary research papers that together explore the tectonic, palaeogeographical and palaeobiogeographical evolution of the elements that made up the peri-Gondwanan collage. The stratigraphical scope of the coverage embraces the late Precambrian through early Devonian, providing a comprehensive overview of structural, stratigraphical and biological evolution through this significant interval of Earth history. Integration of these various processes throughout the volume will be of broad-based interest to a wide range of geoscientists

Type: Book
Ten Digit ISBN: 1-86239-286-2
Thirteen Digit ISBN: 978-1-86239-286-1
Publisher: GSL
Binding: Hardback
Pages: 288
Weight: 0.90 kg


Bassett, M. G. Early Palaeozoic peri-Gondwana terranes: new insights from tectonics and biogeography

Torsvik, T. H. & Cocks, L. R. M. The Lower Palaeozoic palaeogeographical evolution of the northeastern and eastern peri-Gondwanan margin from Turkey to New Zealand

Popov, L. E., Bassett, M. G., Zhemchuzhnikov, V. G., Holmer, L. E. & Klishevich, I. A. Gondwanan faunal signatures from Early Palaeozoic terranes of Kazakhstan and Central Asia: evidence and tectonic implications

Fatka, O. & Mergl, M. The ‘microcontinent’ Perunica: status and story 15 years after conception

Servais, T. & Sintubin, M. Avalonia, Armorica, Perunica: terranes, microcontinents, microplates or palaeobiogeographical provinces?

Álvaro, J. J. & Van Vliet-Lanoë, B. Late Ordovician carbonate productivity and glaciomarine record under quiescent and active extensional tectonics in NE Spain

Cocks, L. R. M. & Fortey, R. A. Avalonia: a long-lived terrane in the Lower Palaeozoic?

Harper, D. A. T., Owen, A. W. & Bruton, D. L. Ordovician life around the Celtic fringes: diversifications, extinctions and migrations of brachiopod and trilobite faunas at middle latitudes

Pankhurst, R. J. & Vaughan, A. P. M. The tectonic context of the Early Palaeozoic southern margin of Gondwana

Edwards, D., Axe, L., Poiré , D. G., Morel, E. M., Bassett, M. G. & Cingolani, C. A.
Enigmatic fossils from the Upper Silurian of Bolivia: evidence for marine productivity in high-latitude Gondwana

Benedetto, J. L., Vaccari, N. E., Waisfeld, B. G., Sánchez, T. M. & Foglia, R. D.
Cambrian and Ordovician biogeography of the South American margin of Gondwana and accreted terranes

Edwards, D., Poiré, D. G., Morel, E. M. & Cingolani, C. A. Plant assemblages from SW Gondwana: further evidence for high-latitude vegetation in the Devonian of Argentina

Cherns, L. & Wheeley, J. R. Early Palaeozoic cooling events: peri-Gondwana and beyond



SciTech Book News

Written by geologists in Argentina, the UK, France and Spain, the Czech Republic, Norway, South Africa, Russia, Kazakhstan, and other countries (the range of countries is an indication of the locations of study sites), the volume offers an impressive set of in-depth essays on the current state of research into the tectonics, biogeography, and palaeogeography of this earlier phase of life on the Earth's crust. Well-illustrated with maps, diagrams, and b&w photos of rocks and fossils,

Ian Percival

This hard-bound volume maintains the high standard of production characteristic of the Geological Society Special Publication series, I found the majority of the papers to be useful both as sources of primary data and as excellent reviews of past work. All are extremely well edited and presented, and many are copiously illustrated. Highly recommended...

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