Geology of the Bristol Region (2024)
Print publication date: 08/10/2024
Geologists' Association, Geologists' Association Guides, Regional Geology and General Interest, GeoGifts, New
Type: Book (Paperback)
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 9781999675783
Weight: 0.8kg
Number of pages: 322
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Product code: GA078
Compiled and edited by Shaun Lavis
GA Guide 78.
This new beautifully illustrated guide provides details of sixteen itineraries to investigate the great variety of rocks that are exposed in the Bristol area, ranging in age from Silurian to Jurassic with superficial coverings of Pleistocene and Holocene sediments. Thirteen itineraries are included which enable the reader to examine the strata of the area, from the Silurian igneous rocks of Moon Hill in the Eastern Mendips, through the Jurassic strata near Bath, to the Quaternary drift deposits of Middle Hope, near Weston-super-Mare. These chapters describe the geology, structure, palaeontology and mineralisation of the region giving environmental interpretations and indications as to how the geology of the Bristol Region evolved and how it contributes to our knowledge of global events. The final three itineraries are walking/cycling tours to examine the building stones of the City centre and Clifton district and the Bristol–Bath Railway Path.
Spiral bound paperback