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Sustainable Groundwater Development

Product Code: SP193
Series: GSL Special Publications - print copy
Author/Editor: Edited by K M Hiscock (University of East Anglia, UK), M O Rivett (University of Birmingham, UK), and R M Davison (University of Sheffield)
Publication Date: 19 March 2002
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Sustainable development of groundwater resources is a key environmental and social issue for the future. To manage groundwater resources sustainably it is necessary to include protection of springs, river flows and water levels dependent on groundwater discharges, while concurrently maintaining abstractions for water supply and economic benefit. Obtaining this balance between human and environmental needs, and protecting valuable groundwater resources from over-explotation and pollution, presents a challenge to hydrogeologists that is reflected in the approaches and case studies contained in this volume.

Type: Book
Ten Digit ISBN: 1-86239-097-5
Thirteen Digit ISBN: 978-1-86239-097-3
Publisher: GSL
Binding: Hardback
Pages: 344
Weight: 1.00 kg


Sustainable groundwater development K M Hiscock M O Rivett R M Davison Is the water still hot? Sustainability and the thermal springs at Bath, England T C Atkinson R M Davison Geophysical Investigations of the thermal springs of Bath, England C McCann A C Mann D M McCann G A Kellaway Groundwater resource management in Eastern England: a quest for environmentally sustainable development D B Burgess Institutional development for sustainable groundwater management - an Arabian perspective M E Young Who needs sustainabiliyt? M Price Incorporation of groundwater modelling in the sustainable management of groundwater resources P Hulme S Fletcher L Brown Groundwater sustainability and water resources planning for the East Midlands Resource Zone M Hudson The High Plains Aquifer, USA: Groundwater Development and Sustainability K F Dennehy D W Litke P B McMahon Sustainable groundwater resources in a hard-rock island aquifer - the channel Island of Guernsey N S Robins K J Griffiths P D Merrin W G Darling Sustainable groundwater development in arid, high Andean Basins M Anderson R Low S Foot Constraints on sustainable development of arsenic-bearing aquifers in southern Bangladesh. Part 1: A conceptual model of arsenic in the aquifer W G Burgess M Burren J Perrin K M Ahmed Constraints on sustainable development of arsenic-bearing aquifers in southern Bangladesh. Part 2: Preliminary models of arsenic variability in pumped groundwater L D Connell W G Burgess D B Burgess M O Cuthbert Groundwater quality in the Valigamam region of the Jaffna Peninsula, Sri Lanka L Rajasooriyar V Mathavan H A Dharmagunewardene V Nandakumar Will reductions in groundwater abstractions improve low river flows? K R Rushton Assessing the impact of groundwater abstractions on river flows S Kirk A W Herbet Determination of hydraulic boundary conditions for the interaction between surface water and groundwater W Macheleidt W Nestler T Grischek Direct assessment of groundwater ulnerability from borehold observations F Worrall A Simple Analytical Solution for Unsaturated Solute Migration under Dynamic Water Movement Conditions and Root Zone Effects L D Connell A probabilistic management system to optimize the use of urban groundwater D N Lerner R M Davison P Prabnarong J J Whittaker Groundwater pollution at the pulp and paper mill Sjasstroj near Lake Ladoga, Russia K M Hiscock D Schoenheinz T Grischek E Worch V Bereznoy I Gutkin A Shebesta W Macheleidt W Nestler Hydrocarbon contamination of groundwater at Ploiesti, Romania M O Rivett M A Albu L M Morris H Nash Assessments of the sensitivity to climate change of flow and natural water quality in four major cabonate aquifers of Curope P L Younger G Teutsch E Custodio T Elliot M Manzano M Sauter Simulation of the impacts of climate change on groundwater resources in eastern England K M Hiscock I Yusoff D Conway


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