McIntyre, D. B. - James Hutton's Edinburgh: a precis
Anderson, D. L. - A theory of the Earth: Hutton and Humpty-Dumpty and Holmes
Wyllie, P. J. - Hot little crucibles are pressured to reveal and calibrate igneous processes
Schreyer, W. - High-pressure experiments and the varying depths of rock metamorphism
Watson, A. J. - Co-evolution of the Earth's environment and life: Goldilocks, Gaia and the anthropic Principle
Marvin, U. B. - Impacts from space: the implications for uniformitarian geology
Dalziel, I. W. - Vestiges of a beginning and the prospect of an end
Monro, S. K. & Crosbie, A. J. - The Dynamic Earth project and the next Millennium
Dott, R. H. - Closing remarks for the Hutton Bicentenary, Edinburgh ? Dean, D. R. - Hutton Scholarship 1992-1997