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James Hutton: Present and Future

Product Code: SP150
Series: GSL Special Publications - print copy
Author/Editor: Edited by: G. Craig & J. H. Hull
Publication Date: 02 February 1999
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Special Publication 150

The Collection of papers in this volume commemorates the bicentenary death of James Hutton, the founder of modern geology. Eminent Earth scientists and science historians celebrate his unique contribution to the knowledge of our planet's history and his influence on modern geological thinking.

Type: Book
Ten Digit ISBN: 1-86239-026-6
Thirteen Digit ISBN: 978-1-86239-026-3
Publisher: GSL
Binding: Hardback
Pages: 192
Weight: 0.65 kg


McIntyre, D. B. - James Hutton's Edinburgh: a precis

Anderson, D. L. - A theory of the Earth: Hutton and Humpty-Dumpty and Holmes

Wyllie, P. J. - Hot little crucibles are pressured to reveal and calibrate igneous processes

Schreyer, W. - High-pressure experiments and the varying depths of rock metamorphism

Watson, A. J. - Co-evolution of the Earth's environment and life: Goldilocks, Gaia and the anthropic Principle

Marvin, U. B. - Impacts from space: the implications for uniformitarian geology

Dalziel, I. W. - Vestiges of a beginning and the prospect of an end

Monro, S. K. & Crosbie, A. J. - The Dynamic Earth project and the next Millennium

Dott, R. H. - Closing remarks for the Hutton Bicentenary, Edinburgh ? Dean, D. R. - Hutton Scholarship 1992-1997


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