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Global Continental Changes: the Context of Palaeohydrology

Product Code: SP115
Series: GSL Special Publications - print copy
Author/Editor: Edited by J. Branson, A.G. Brown & K.J. Gregory
Publication Date: 23 August 1996
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Palaeohydrology is the study of changes in the waters of the Earth prior to continuous monitoring. Knowledge of these changes is important for the understanding of past and present environmental changes and of the form of the present-day environment. The evolution of the hydrological cycle in response to climatic change produces a chain of environmental and human consequences - factors that are becoming more relevant as climate change is predicted. Evidence of past environmental changes may be used to validate models with which to predict future change - thus the study of rates, mechanisms and processes of Late Quaternary hydrological changes is of critical importance. This volume is designed for all who are interested in the hydrological impacts of climatic change and the contribution that palaeohydrology can make to the study of these changes. It details recent achievements in this important field, and provides for prioritizing and guiding future studies.• Details recent advances in palaeohydrological research • Case studies from a wide variety of climatic and physical regions • Describes a wide variety of techniques• Discusses the future for palaeohydrological research

Type: Book
Ten Digit ISBN: 1-897799-69-1
Thirteen Digit ISBN: 978-1-897799-69-7
Publisher: GSL
Binding: Hardback
Pages: 280
Weight: 0.70 kg


Introduction • The context of palaeohydrology • Palaeohydrological reconstruction: advantages and disadvantages • Palaeohydrology and future climate change • Changes in moisture balance between glacial and interglacial conditions; influence on carbon cycle processes • Erosion and sediment yield in a changing environment • Human dimensions of palaeohydrological change • Discovering Earth’s future in its past: palaeohydrology and global environmental change • Approaches to palaeohydrological analysis • Mediterranean, tropical and monsoon regions • Climate change and flood sensitivity in Spain • Geochronologies and environmental records of Quaternary fluvial sequences in the Guadalope basin, Northeast Spain, based on luminescence dating • Magnitude and frequency of Holocene palaeofloods in the southwestern United States: a review and discussion of implications • The response of geomorphic systems to climatic and hydrological change during the late glacial and early Holocene in the humid and sub-humid tropics • Cold regions • Palaeo and historical flood hydrology, Indian peninsula • A preliminary palaeohydraulic model applied to Late Quaternary gravel dunes: Altai Mountains, Siberia • Late Quaternary intra-continental river palaeohydrology and polycyclic terrace formation: the example of south Siberian river valleys • Temperate regions • River responses to decadal-scale changes in discharge regime: the Gila River, SE Arizona • Climatic or anthropogenic alluviation in Central European valleys during the Holocene • River response to the last neoglaical (the ‘Little Ice Age’) in northern, western and central Europe • A future for palaeohydrology • Issues in scientific co-operation on information sharing: the case of palaeohydrology • The Past Global Changes (PAGES) Project • Global continental changes: the context of palaeohydrology


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