KIDD, R.B. & HAILWOOD, E.A. High resolution stratigraphy in modern and ancient marine sequences: ocean sediment cores to Palaeozoic outcrop SMITH, A.G., Methods for improving the chronometric time-scale MUSSETT, A.E., & MCCORMACK, A.G. Magnetic polarity timescales: a new test THOMPSON, R. 7 CLARK, R.M. Quantitative marine sediment core matching, using a modified sequence-slotting algorithm SMITH, M.B., POYNTER, J.G., BRADSHAW, S.A. & EGLINGTON, G. High resolution molecular stratigraphy: analytical methodology ROBISON, S.G. Lithostratigraphic applications for magnetic susceptibility logging of deep-sea sediment cores: examples from ODP Leg 115 ALI, J.R., KING, C. & HAILWOOD, E.A. Magnetostratigraphic calibration of early Eocene depositional sequences in the southern North Sea Basin JENKINS, D.G. & GAMSON, P. The late Cenozoic Globorotalia truncatulinoides datum-plane in the Atlantic, Pacific and Indian oceans RADFORD, S.S. & LI QIANYU Eocene-Miocene high latitude biostratigraphy WEAVER, P.P.E. High resolution stratigraphy of marine Quaternary sequences WHATLEY, R.C., Ostracoda as biostratigraphical indices in Cenozoic deep-sea sequences KNOX, R.W. OB Tephra layers as precise chronostratigraphical markers SCHWARZACHER, W. Milankovitch cycles in the pre-Pleistocene stratigraphic record: a review MCARTHUR, J.M., THIRLWALL, M.F., GALE, A.S., KENNEDY, W.J., BURNETT, J.A. MATTEY, D. & LORD.A.R. Strontium isotope stratigraphy for the Late Cretaceous: a new curve, based on the English Chalk WRAY, D.S. & GALE, A.S. Geochemical correlation of marl bands in Turonian chalks of the Anglo-Paris Basin HART, M.B. Cretaceous foraminiferal events HANCOCK, J.M. Transatlantic correlations in the Campanian-Mastrichtian stages by eustatic changes of seal-level COPE, J.C.W. High resolution biostratigraphy HOUSE, M.R. & KIRCHGASSER, W.T. Devonian goniatite biostratigraphy and timing of facies movements in the Frasnian of eastern North America BECKER, R.T., HOUSE, M.R. & KIRCHGASSER, W.T. Devonian goniatite biostratigraphy and timing of facies movements in the Frasnian of the Canning Basin, Western Australia LOYDELL, D.K. Worldwide correlation of Telychian (upper Llandovery) strata using graptolites BRASIER, M.D. Towards a carbon isotope stratigraphy of the Cambrian System: potential of the Great Basin succession