1 Introduction:
1.1 What is metamorphism?
1.2 Metamorphic rocks – made under mountains
1.3 Metamorphism in local settings
2 The petrography of metamorphic rocks
2.1 Quartzite and metapsammite
2.2 Metapelite
2.3 Marble
2.4 Metabasite
2.5 Metagranite
2.6 Metaperidotite
2.7 Summary of metamorphic minerals and protoliths
3 Interpreting mineral changes and textures
3.1 Mineral stability, fluids, and partial melting
3.2 Understanding metamorphic textures
4 Aureoles, orogenies and impacts
4.1 Contact metamorphism
4.2 Metamorphism in orogenic belts and subduction zones
4.3 Shock metamorphism
5 Case studies in geothermobarometry
5.1 Granulite-facies rocks at Slishwood
5.2 Eclogite-facies rocks at Glenelg
Appendix 1 The Earth’s interior
Appendix 2 The chemical formulae of minerals
Appendix 3 Minerals under the microscope
Appendix 4 Microbeam and X-ray methods
Appendix 5 The principles of isotopic dating (geochronology)