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The Map Room of the Geological Society Library


Buy Map Prints

Selected historic maps from the Map Room’s collection have been scanned and made available to buy from our Picture Library. These can be viewed and ordered online.

These include many of William Smith's famous geological map of England & Wales as well as the geological maps of English counties he produced.  Other maps featured include Sir Roderick Murchison's map of 'Siluria', Mylne's map of the geology of London, and many others.

All are available to buy in a variety of sizes and finishes.  

More maps are added all the time.  Check regularly for updates.

We sell copies of William Smith’s 1815 geological map of England & Wales as well as the most recent geological map of the UK from the Burlington House Bookshop and also via our online Bookshop.

Unfortunately, we cannot scan or sell maps in our collection that are protected by copyright.

Search for Maps in the Library Catalogue Visiting the Library Maps in the Picture Library Online Bookshop Burlington House Bookshop Borrow a Map Contact the Map Librarian Licence a Map Image