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Copp, C. J. T. (1975) ‘The Charles Moore Geological Collection’, Geological Curators Group Newsletter, 1(3), pp.109-116

Copp, C. J. T. [et. al] (1996) ‘Charles Moore (1814-1881), Somerset Geologist’, Proceedings of the Somerset Archaeological and Natural History Society, 140, pp.1-36

Dawson, J.W. (1875) The dawn of life: being the history of the oldest known fossil remains, and their relation to geological time and to the development of the animal kingdom. London: Hodder and Stoughton

Duffin, Christopher (1979) ‘The Bath Geological Collections: An Illustration by Charles Moore?’, Geological Curators Group Newsletter, 2(7), pp.400-404

Moore, Charles (1861) ‘On the Zones of the Lower Lias and the Avicula contorta Zone’, Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society, 17, pp.483-517

Moore, Charles (1867) ‘On Abnormal Conditions of Secondary Deposits when connected with the Somersetshire and South Wales Coal-Basin; and on the age of the Sutton and Southerndown Series’, Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society, 23, pp.449-568

Moore, Charles (1876) ‘The geological characteristics of Vallis Vale and Holwell Quarries’, Proceedings of the Somersetshire Archaeology and Natural History Society, 22(1), pp.42

Moore, Charles (1880) ‘Proofs of the Organic Nature of Eozoon Canadense’, Report of the British Association for the Advancement of Science 50th meeting pp.582-583 

Moore, Charles (1881) ‘On Abnormal Geological Deposits in the Bristol District’, Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society, 37, pp.67-82

O'Brien, Charles F. (1970) ‘Eozoön Canadense "The Dawn Animal of Canada"’, Isis, 61(2), pp.206-223

Owen, Richard. (1860) ‘On some small Fossil Vertebræ from near Frome, Somersetshire’, Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society, 16, pp.492-497

Owen, Richard (1871) ‘Monograph of the fossil Mammalia of the Mesozoic formations’, Monographs of the Palaeontographical Society, pp.1-115 

Torren, Christopher J. (1979) ‘The Bath Geological Collections: The Moore Collection of Upper Liassic Crocodiles’, Geological Curators Group Newsletter, 2(5), pp.235-252

Winwood, Henry Hoyte (1892) Charles Moore, FGS and his work. Bath: Printed at the Herald Office

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