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'A New Geological Map of England and Wales, reduced from Smith's large map...', 1827

1827 reduced map
  1827 Smith Map box
The reduced '‘A New Geological Map of England and Wales...', 1827
  Original box from the 1827 edition stating that the map was 'intended as an elementary map for those commencing the study of geology'.
In 1820, Smith’s publisher John Cary issued a smaller version of the 1815 Map entitled ‘A New Geological Map of England and Wales, with the inland navigations; exhibiting the districts of coal and other sites of mineral tonnage’. The original Map measured (when joined) 259cm x 176cm at a scale of 5 miles to the inch, with the most basic edition available for the cost of £5 5s. This new ‘reduced’ map measured a more modest 74 cm x 60 cm, was at a scale of 15 miles to the inch and the cheapest edition could be had for 14 shillings – a far more commercial enterprise. How well the edition did is unclear, but it was known to have been reissued in 1820, 1824, 1827 and 1828.

The copy which the Society holds is from 1827 and is sectioned and mounted on linen in order to fit into a handy pocket sized box – this is the travelling edition which would have cost 18 shillings when new. 

Coincidentally, a reduced version of Greenough’s 1820 ‘Map of England and Wales’ was also first produced in 1826.

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