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Pencil rubbing of a scale

Pencil rubbing large
The majority of the Louis Agassiz fossil fish collection consists of drawings and watercolours by his commissioned artists. However, George Bellas Greenough not only requested that members send in fossil specimens but also their own drawings too. This pencil rubbing of the surface decoration of the fossil fish Holoptychius Omaliusii Agassiz (LDGSL/614/1/79c) was possibly sent to Agassiz by his friend (and Fellow of the Society) William Buckland. The caption states that the scale was found by Jean Baptiste Julien d'Omalius d'Halloy in the lower shelly bed of Dudley limestone at the Castle north west of Namur, near Gembloux in 1835. 
Below is clearly the same specimen (LDGSL/615/36/2), this time drawn for inclusion in Agassiz's Monographie des Poissons Fossiles du Vieux Grès Rouge (the lithograph of this drawing published in 1845). 