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February 2020


What's geology got to do with it?

Sarah Day welcomes the Year of Life



Geoscience, sustainability and ethical investing

Matthew Pannett on the links between geoscience, finance and investment


Society News

Elections to Council 2020-21

Don't forget to vote!


Year of Life

2020 is the Society's Year of Life


Policy update

Join our database of expertise!



Amplified Voices: How identity shapes our scientific experience

How can underrepresented voices be amplified?


Greenough's World

The bicentenary of the world's first crowd sourced geological map


Books & Arts

Fluvial Meanders and their Sedimentary Record

It is difficult to imagine a geoscientist who h...


Geology at the University of Manchester: A Brief History 1851-2004

One of the ‘big names’ of British u...


Reconstructing Archaeological Sites: Understanding the Geoarchaeological Matrix

In 1987, Michael Schiffer published a 364-page ...


Tectonics of the Deccan Large Igneous Province

The Deccan Traps of India are the product of th...


Drought: Science and Policy

The book has three sections that deal, respecti...


HP-UHP Metamorphism and Tectonic Evolution of Orogenic Belts

Where present, high pressure (HP) and ultrahigh...



Mineralogical Society supports GSL statements on climate change

New press release from the Mineralogical Society



Distant Thunder

Nina Morgan recounts a surprise double wedding



Andrew Gordon Whitham (1960-2019)

Arctic and Antarctic sedimentologist, Chief Geo...


Reginald Bradshaw (1924-2019)

Mineralogist and petrologist whose outstanding ...