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August 2007


Rembrandt's poodle

Ted Nield has doubts about peer review


Geological knowledge is general knowledge!

Iain Bartholomew, Chairman of the Corporate Affiliates and Vice President of the Geological Society, looks to the future



Maculloch map re-published

The British Geological Survey has published a poster reproduction of the first large-scale geological map of Scotland, says Brighid Ó Dochartaigh



Beyond the fridge

Jonathan Cowie on why the Ice Age teaches us less about global warming than the Eocene or Toarcian



King, Kennett and Devon on a new educational initiative


Labs for Afghanistan

Michael Watts and Clive Mitchell report on the continuing work of the British Geological Survey in Afghanistan


Online Special

Back to the roots of "mountain making"

Suffering for art and Earth science is still alive and well in the North West Highlands. Clare Bond took a pack of 12 and 13 year-olds up a snow-clad Foinaven – and lived to tell the tale...


Mapping Pluto's Kingdom

Nick Petford claims another first for the 1815 William Smith map – could it also represent the first speculative record of pluton shape?


Ancient Earth earns crust

Joe McCall is on the hunt for 4.45 billion year old diamonds...


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Volume 17 No 8 August 2007
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