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President's Day 2012


Earlier in the year, the Society announced the winners of its medals and funds 2012. Now, mark your diaries for the Society’s gala day – 13 June!

Geoscientist 22.03 April 2012

The award winners this year are: Christopher Hawkesworth (Wollaston Medal); Eric Wolff (Lyell Medal); Frank Spear (Murchison Medal); William Aspinall (William Smith Medal); Richard Aldridge (Coke Medal); Robin Strachan (Coke Medal); Geoffrey Duller (Bigsby Medal); Cherry Lewis (Sue Tyler Friedman Medal); David Ward (R H Worth Prize); Bridget Wade (Wollaston Fund); Jamie Pringle (William Smith Fund); Daniela Schmidt (Lyell Fund); Russell Wynn (Murchison Fund); Ian Jackson (Distinguished Service Award); Simon Winchester OBE (Distinguished Service Award).

To these can now be added the recipients of two President’s Awards, namely: Carys Bennett (Université de Lille 1 - Sciences et Technologies, left) and Romain Guilbaud (School of Civil Engineering and Geosciences, Newcastle University, below).

Guilbaud Awards will be presented at President’s Day, to be held this year on 13 June. On that day (full details in the May issue), as well as the Presidential Address, four senior medallists will deliver short research talks. Titles have yet to be confirmed, but indications are that Chris Hawkesworth (University of St Andrews) will speak on The generation and destruction of continental crust; Eric Wolff (British Antarctic Survey) on Ice cores and interglacials , Frank Spear (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute) on Thirty years of metamorphic P-T-t paths: what we have learned about orogenesis, and William Aspinall (University of Bristol) on A restless volcano and restive volcanologists: uncertain judgements and uncertain risks.

All Fellows are welcome to attend the events of President’s Day, though Lunch with the Award Winners will incur a charge. Full details of this, and instructions as to how to register, will be published in the May Issue, which will be distributed together with the Annual Report 2011. Edmund Nickless