Abbreviations and acronyms
DONNELLY, L.J. Introduction
DONNELLY, L.J. AND MURRAY, R. A historical overview of forensic geology
DONNELLY, L.J. AND HARRISON, M. Geoforensic search strategy (GSS): ground searches related to homicide graves, counter-terrorism and serious and organized crime
PIRRIE, D., RUFFELL, A., DAWSON, L. AND MCKINLEY, J. Crime scenes: geoforensic assessment, sampling and examination
PIRRIE, D., RUFFELL, A. AND DAWSON, L. Geological evidence recovery from exhibits
RUFFELL, A., PIRRIE, D. AND DAWSON, L. Geological evidence analysis
DAWSON, L, AUCHIE, D. AND PARRATT, D. The judicial system, reporting and giving evidence in court
DONNELLY, L.J. AND RUFFELL, A. Emerging applications of forensic geology