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The Geology of Barcelona: an urban excursion guide

Product Code: GA070
Series: GA Guides - print copy
Author/Editor: Wes Gibbons and Teresa Moreno
Publication Date: 01 February 2012
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The purpose of this guide is to describe the geology and scenery of the Mediterranean city of Barcelona. Although a popular tourist destination much in demand for its cultural and historical riches, Barcelona is equally interesting from a geological viewpoint. The three excursions described in this guide can easily be completed in a short citybreak visit using public transp0l1, ideally during weekdays to avoid weekend crowds, and involving a maximum of 4 nights in a hotel (3 excursion days plus arrival and departure days). The excursions visit many of the scenically most attractive parts of the city, including places as yet virtually undiscovered by tourists, and provide an opportunity to see Barcelona from a different perspective.

Type: Book
Ten Digit ISBN:
Thirteen Digit ISBN: 9780900717567
Publisher: GA
Binding: Paperback
Pages: 72
Weight: 0.30 kg




List of Figures

List of Tables


Previous Publications

Stratigraphic and Palaeogeographic Overview


Excursion 1: Passeig de Les

Vallvidrera funicular to Serra de Vilana
Serra de Vilana to Tibidabo funicular
Tibidabo funicular to Col de Penitents

Excursion 2: Les Turons

Penitents to La Creueta del Coll
Parc de la Creueta del Coll
La Mare de Deu del Coll
Park Guell

Excursion 3: Montjuic to The Medieval City

Modern Coastline to Barcino
Barcino to the Pleistocene escarpment
Punta del Convent Fonnation to Santa Maria del Mar


References and Further Reading


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