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From River To Rock Record: The Preservation Of Fluvial Sediments And Their Subsequent Interpretation - SP97

Product Code: ES497
Series: SEPM Special Publications
Author/Editor: Stephanie K. Davidson, Sophie Leleu, and Colin P. North, Editors
Publication Date: 07 November 2011
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Over the last couple of decades, fluvial geomorphology and fluvial sedimentary geology have been developing in parallel, rather than in conjunction as might be desired. This volume is the result of the editors' attempt to bridge this gap in order to understand better how sediments in modern rivers become preserved in the rock record, and to improve interpretation from that record of the history of past environmental conditions. The catalyst for the volume was a conference with the same that was hosted at the University of Aberdeen School of Geosciences, in Aberdeen, Scotland, on 12-14 January 2009. The conferences brought together a broad spectrum of geomorphology and sedimentology researchers, from academia and industry. This interdisciplinary mix of experts considered and discussed ideas and examples ranging through timescales from the annual movement of individual river bars to sequence stratigraphic analysis of major sedimentary basins spanning millions of years. The articles in this volume are a mixture of novel concepts, new evaluations of the perceived wisdom about rivers and their sediments, and improved understanding derived from recent experience in interpreting the rock record. This volume usefully illustrates the current state of knowledge and will provide a stimulus for further research, particularly work that integrates geomorphological and sedimentological approaches and emphasizes cross-disciplinary communication.

Type: Book
Ten Digit ISBN:
Thirteen Digit ISBN: 978-1-56576-305-0
Publisher: SEPM
Binding: Hardback
Pages: 447
Weight: 1.70 kg



From River to Rock Record: The Preservation of Fluvial Sediments and Their Subsequent Interpretation, STEPHANIE K. DAVIDSON, SOPHIE LELEU, AND COLIN P. NORTH

Lessons from the Modern

Interpretation of Ancient Fluvial Channel Deposits: Review and Recommendations, FRANK G. ETHRIDGE
Architecture and Depositional Style of Fluvial Systems before Land Plants: A Comparison of Precambrian, Early Paleozoic, and Modern River Deposits, DARREL G.F. LONG
River Terraces in the Rock Record: An Overlooked Landform in Geological Interpretation? STUART G. ARCHER, REYNIR FJALAR REYNISSON, AND ANNE M. SCHWAB

Short Term: Autogenically Dominated?

Fluvial Systems and Their Deposits in Hot, Seasonal Semiarid and Subhumid Settings: Modern and Ancient Examples, CHRISTOPHER R. FIELDING, JONATHAN P. ALLEN, JAN ALEXANDER, MARTIN R. GIBLING, MICHAEL C. RYGEL, AND JOHN H. CALDER
Interpreting Fluvial Hydromorphology from the Rock Record: Large-River Peak Flows Leave No Clear Signature, SUZANNE F. LECLAIR
Pedogenic and Sedimentologic Criteria for Recognition of Overbank Sub-Environments in a Triassic Anabranching-River Deposit, PARTHASARATHI GHOSH AND SOUMEN SARKAR
Stratigraphy of Counter-Point-Bar and Eddy-Accretion Deposits in Low-Energy Meander Belts Of The Peace-Athabasca Delta, Northeast Alberta, Canada, DERALD G. SMITH, STEPHEN M. HUBBARD, JASON R. LAVIGNE, DALE A. LECKIE, AND MILOVAN FUSTIC
Fluvial Paleotransport Derived from Trough Cross-Bedding: Example from the Lower Clair Group, West of Shetland, Using Oriented Whole-Core Images, ANDREW SMALLEY
Downstream Changes and Associated Fluvial-Eolian Interactions in an Ancient Terminal Fluvial System: The Permian Organ Rock Formation, SE Utah, U.S.A. STEPHEN A. CAIN AND NIGEL P. MOUNTNEY

Medium Term: Complex Control Interactions

Architecture and Behavior of Dryland Fluvial Reservoirs, Triassic Skagerrak Formation, Central North Sea, TOM MCKIE
Avulsion and Its Implications for Fluvial-Deltaic Architecture: Insights from the Holocene Rhine–Meuse Delta, ESTHER STOUTHAMER, KIM M. COHEN, AND MARC J.P. GOUW
A Tidally Influenced, High-Latitude Coastal-Plain: The Upper Cretaceous (Maastrichtian) Prince Creek Formation, North Slope, Alaska. PETER P. FLAIG, PAUL J. MCCARTHY, AND ANTHONY R. FIORILLO
Role of Scouring and Base-Level Change in Producing Anomalously Thick Fluvial Successions: An Example from the Tana River, Northern Norway. RAYMOND S. EILERTSEN AND GEOFFREY D. CORNER
Depositional Dynamics and Preservation Potential in a Progradational Lacustrine Fluvio-Deltaic Setting: Implications for High-Resolution Sequence Stratigraphy (Upper Triassic, Northwestern China), JENS HORNUNG AND MATTHIAS HINDERER
Pedogenic and Non-Pedogenic Calcretes in the Devonian Ridgeway Conglomerate Formation of SWWales, UK: ACautionary Tale, ROBERT D. HILLIER, SUSAN B. MARRIOTT, AND BRIAN P.J. WILLIAMS
Alluvial Facies Distributions in Continental Sedimentary Basins—Distributive Fluvial Systems, GARY S. WEISSMANN, ADRIAN J. HARTLEY, GARY J. NICHOLS, LOUIS A. SCUDERI, MICHELLE E. OLSON,

Long Term: Allogenically Dominated?

Preservation of a Long-Lived Fluvial System in a Mountain Chain: The Tagliamento Valley (Southeastern Italian Alps) GIOVANNI MONEGATO AND CRISTINA STEFANI
Lateral and Vertical Variability of Channel Belt Stacking Density as a Function of Subsidence and Sediment Supply: Field Evidence from the Intramountaine Körös Basin, Hungary, ANNAMÁRIA NÁDOR AND ORSOLYA SZTANÓ
Deposystems, Paleosols, and Climatic Variability in a Continental System: The Upper Triassic Chinle Formation, Colorado Plateau, U.S.A. RUSSELL F. DUBIEL AND STEPHEN T. HASIOTIS
Alluvial Valleys and Alluvial Sequences: Towards A Geomorphic Assessment, MARTIN R. GIBLING, CHRISTOPHER R. FIELDING, AND RAJIV SINHA


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